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[tracecompass-dev] Partial History Tree (Index out of bounds error)


I'm actually working on the partial state system, I'm overriding the query2D() in order to be able to populate the views like the Control Flow view with the states.

With the actual code that I'm attaching to this email, if we comment out the lines 342 to 343, we will be able to see the states that we saved at the checkpoints when we open the control flow view or resources view.  My objective is to complete the view with the missing states by reading the trace and building the intervals from there without saving them to the state system, but actually, I'm having this error saying "Index 32 out of bounds for length 0" when I try to open the control flow view. It seems that the quark that I'm requesting at line 342 does not exist.
Can you please tell me what is missing or what I'm doing wrong in this code?


Best regards,
Abdellah Rahmani
Research associate
Dorsal Laboratory

 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Ericsson
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *   Alexandre Montplaisir - Initial API and implementation
 *   Patrick Tasse - Add message to exceptions

package org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.tmf.core.statesystem.backends.partial;

import static org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.NonNullUtils.checkNotNullContents;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.provisional.datastore.core.condition.IntegerRangeCondition;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.provisional.datastore.core.condition.TimeRangeCondition;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystem;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.backend.IStateHistoryBackend;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateSystemDisposedException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.TimeRangeException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.interval.ITmfStateInterval;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.interval.TmfStateInterval;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEvent;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.request.ITmfEventRequest;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.request.TmfEventRequest;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.statesystem.AbstractTmfStateProvider;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.statesystem.ITmfStateProvider;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.timestamp.TmfTimeRange;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.timestamp.TmfTimestamp;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.ITmfTrace;

 * Partial state history back-end.
 * This is a shim inserted between the real state system and a "real" history
 * back-end. It will keep checkpoints, every n trace events (where n is called
 * the granularity) and will only forward to the real state history the state
 * intervals that crosses at least one checkpoint. Every other interval will
 * be discarded.
 * This would mean that it can only answer queries exactly at the checkpoints.
 * For any other timestamps (ie, most of the time), it will load the closest
 * earlier checkpoint, and will re-feed the state-change-input with events from
 * the trace, to restore the real state at the time that was requested.
 * @author Alexandre Montplaisir
public class PartialHistoryBackend implements IStateHistoryBackend {

    private final @NonNull String fSSID;

     * A partial history needs the state input plugin to re-generate state
     * between checkpoints.
    private final @NonNull ITmfStateProvider fPartialInput;

     * Fake state system that is used for partially rebuilding the states (when
     * going from a checkpoint to a target query timestamp).
    private final @NonNull PartialStateSystem fPartialSS;

    /** Reference to the "real" state history that is used for storage */
    private final @NonNull IStateHistoryBackend fInnerHistory;

    /** Checkpoints map, <Timestamp, Rank in the trace> */
    private final @NonNull TreeMap<Long, Long> fCheckpoints = new TreeMap<>();

    /** Latch tracking if the initial checkpoint registration is done */
    private final @NonNull CountDownLatch fCheckpointsReady = new CountDownLatch(1);

    private final long fGranularity;

    private long fLatestTime;

    private final NavigableSet<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> intervals;

     * Constructor
     * @param ssid
     *            The state system's ID
     * @param partialInput
     *            The state change input object that was used to build the
     *            upstream state system. This partial history will make its own
     *            copy (since they have different targets).
     * @param pss
     *            The partial history's inner state system. It should already be
     *            assigned to partialInput.
     * @param realBackend
     *            The real state history back-end to use. It's supposed to be
     *            modular, so it should be able to be of any type.
     * @param granularity
     *            Configuration parameter indicating how many trace events there
     *            should be between each checkpoint
    public PartialHistoryBackend(@NonNull String ssid,
            ITmfStateProvider partialInput,
            PartialStateSystem pss,
            IStateHistoryBackend realBackend,
            long granularity) {
        if (granularity <= 0 || partialInput == null || pss == null ||
                partialInput.getAssignedStateSystem() != pss) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        final long startTime = realBackend.getStartTime();

        fSSID = ssid;
        fPartialInput = partialInput;
        fPartialSS = pss;

        fInnerHistory = realBackend;
        fGranularity = granularity;

         * We need to compare the end time and the attribute, because we can
         * have 2 intervals with the same end time (for different attributes).
         * And TreeSet needs a unique "key" per element.
        this.intervals = new TreeSet<>(Comparator
        fLatestTime = startTime;


    private void registerCheckpoints() {
        ITmfEventRequest request = new CheckpointsRequest(fPartialInput, fCheckpoints);
        /* The request will countDown the checkpoints latch once it's finished */

    public String getSSID() {
        return fSSID;

    public long getStartTime() {
        return fInnerHistory.getStartTime();

    public long getEndTime() {
        return fLatestTime;

    public void insertPastState(long stateStartTime, long stateEndTime,
            int quark, Object value) throws TimeRangeException {

        /* Update the latest time */
        if (stateEndTime > fLatestTime) {
            fLatestTime = stateEndTime;

         * Check if the interval intersects the previous checkpoint. If so,
         * insert it in the real history back-end.
         * FIXME since intervals are inserted in order of rank, we could avoid
         * doing a map lookup every time here (just compare with the known
         * previous one).
        ITmfStateInterval interval = new TmfStateInterval(stateStartTime, stateEndTime, quark, value);
        if (stateStartTime <= fCheckpoints.floorKey(stateEndTime)) {
            fInnerHistory.insertPastState(stateStartTime, stateEndTime, quark, value);
            synchronized (intervals) {

    public void finishedBuilding(long endTime) throws TimeRangeException {

    public FileInputStream supplyAttributeTreeReader() {
        return fInnerHistory.supplyAttributeTreeReader();

    public File supplyAttributeTreeWriterFile() {
        return fInnerHistory.supplyAttributeTreeWriterFile();

    public long supplyAttributeTreeWriterFilePosition() {
        return fInnerHistory.supplyAttributeTreeWriterFilePosition();

    public void removeFiles() {

    public void dispose() {

    public void doQuery(List<@Nullable ITmfStateInterval> currentStateInfo, long t)
            throws TimeRangeException, StateSystemDisposedException {
        /* Wait for required steps to be done */

        if (!checkValidTime(t)) {
            throw new TimeRangeException(fSSID + " Time:" + t + ", Start:" + getStartTime() + ", End:" + getEndTime()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$

        /* Reload the previous checkpoint */
        long checkpointTime = fCheckpoints.floorKey(t);
        fInnerHistory.doQuery(currentStateInfo, checkpointTime);

         * Set the initial contents of the partial state system (which is the
         * contents of the query at the checkpoint).
        List<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> filledStateInfo =


        /* Send an event request to update the state system to the target time. */
        TmfTimeRange range = new TmfTimeRange(
                 * The state at the checkpoint already includes any state change
                 * caused by the event(s) happening exactly at 'checkpointTime',
                 * if any. We must not include those events in the query.
                TmfTimestamp.fromNanos(checkpointTime + 1),
        ITmfEventRequest request = new PartialStateSystemRequest(fPartialInput, range);

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Do nothing

         * Now the partial state system should have the ongoing time we are
         * looking for. However, the method expects a List of *state intervals*,
         * not state values, so we'll create intervals with a dummy end time.
        for (int i = 0; i < currentStateInfo.size(); i++) {
            long start = 0;
            start = ((ITmfStateSystem) fPartialSS).getOngoingStartTime(i);
            @Nullable Object val = ((ITmfStateSystem) fPartialSS).queryOngoing(i);

            ITmfStateInterval interval = new TmfStateInterval(start, t, i, val);
            currentStateInfo.set(i, interval);


    private static List<@Nullable ITmfStateInterval> prepareIntervalList(int nbAttrib) {
        List<@Nullable ITmfStateInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<>(nbAttrib);
        for (int i = 0; i < nbAttrib; i++) {
        return intervals;

    public ITmfStateInterval doSingularQuery(long t, int attributeQuark) throws TimeRangeException, StateSystemDisposedException {
        /* Reload the previous checkpoint */
        long checkpointTime = fCheckpoints.floorKey(t);
        int nbAtributes = fPartialSS.getNbAttributes();
        List<ITmfStateInterval> intervalsList = prepareIntervalList(nbAtributes);
        fInnerHistory.doQuery(intervalsList, checkpointTime);
        return intervalsList.get(attributeQuark);

    private static Iterable<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> searchforEndTime(NavigableSet<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> tree, int quark, long time) {
        ITmfStateInterval dummyInterval = new TmfStateInterval(-1, time, quark, (Object) null);
        return tree.tailSet(dummyInterval);

    public Iterable<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> query2D(IntegerRangeCondition quarks, TimeRangeCondition times)
            throws TimeRangeException {


        TmfTimeRange range = new TmfTimeRange(TmfTimestamp.fromNanos(times.min()), TmfTimestamp.fromNanos(times.max()));
        ITmfEventRequest request = new PartialStateSystemRequest(fPartialInput, range);

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Do nothing

        int nbAttributes = ((ITmfStateSystem) fPartialSS).getNbAttributes();
        for (int i = quarks.min(); i <= quarks.max(); i++) {
            if(quarks.test(i) && i >= 0 && i < nbAttributes ) {
            long start = 0;
            long end = start;
            Object val = 0;

//            try {
                start = ((ITmfStateSystem) fPartialSS).getOngoingStartTime(i);
                end = ((ITmfStateSystem) fPartialSS).getCurrentEndTime(); // Should be changed...find a way to get the end time of the interval
                val = ((ITmfStateSystem) fPartialSS).queryOngoing(i);
//            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
//                // Do nothing
//            }

            ITmfStateInterval interval = new TmfStateInterval(start, end, i, val);
            synchronized (intervals) {
        synchronized (intervals) {
            return Iterables.filter(searchforEndTime(intervals, quarks.min(), times.min()),
                    interval -> quarks.test(interval.getAttribute())
                            && times.intersects(interval.getStartTime(), interval.getEndTime()));

    private boolean checkValidTime(long t) {
        return (t >= getStartTime() && t <= getEndTime());

    private void waitForCheckpoints() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Do nothing

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Event requests types
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private class CheckpointsRequest extends TmfEventRequest {
        private final ITmfTrace trace;
        private final Map<Long, Long> checkpts;
        private long eventCount;
        private long lastCheckpointAt;

        public CheckpointsRequest(ITmfStateProvider input, Map<Long, Long> checkpoints) {
            this.trace = input.getTrace();
            this.checkpts = checkpoints;
            eventCount = 0;
            lastCheckpointAt = 0;

            /* Insert a checkpoint at the start of the trace */
            checkpoints.put(input.getStartTime(), 0L);

        public void handleData(final ITmfEvent event) {
            if (event.getTrace() == trace) {

                /* Check if we need to register a new checkpoint */
                if (eventCount >= lastCheckpointAt + fGranularity) {
                    checkpts.put(event.getTimestamp().getValue(), eventCount);
                    lastCheckpointAt = eventCount;

        public void handleCompleted() {

    private class PartialStateSystemRequest extends TmfEventRequest {
        private final ITmfStateProvider sci;
        private final ITmfTrace trace;

        PartialStateSystemRequest(ITmfStateProvider sci, TmfTimeRange range) {
            this.sci = sci;
            this.trace = sci.getTrace();

        public void handleData(final ITmfEvent event) {
            if (event.getTrace() == trace) {

        public void handleCompleted() {
             * If we're using a threaded state provider, we need to make sure
             * all events have been handled by the state system before doing
             * queries on it.
            if (fPartialInput instanceof AbstractTmfStateProvider) {
                ((AbstractTmfStateProvider) fPartialInput).waitForEmptyQueue();



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