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[tools-pmc] Eclipse Memory Analyzer release review


Eclipse Memory Analyzer is intending to release version 1.8 as part of the Photon Simultaneous Release.

I see from here that we are meant to have submitted our IP log.
Unfortunately I think our project lead (Krum) is unavailable for the next week or two, and I am not sure if he has submitted the release review documentation including IP logs etc.

Do we need to submit anything more?

Technically we have this version currently in Photon
which is a good version. I have committed a few Java 9/10 fixes since then and a new and noteworthy file, so we could do with submitting a final version. Krum might be back in time for that.

Unfortunately we have build problems:

See this for an example failure
and I can't see what's going wrong with Tycho - it used to work.
534578: Build MAT 1.8 stand-alone packages with Eclipse Photon
so although we have an update site built, the RCP build step then failed.

Does anyone have some hints?


Andrew Johnson
Committer, Eclipse Memory Analyzer

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