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Re: [tm-dev] Programatic Creation of Filters/Pools/References

A filter must belong to a filter pool, and then subsystems make references to the filter pools, it is up to the user to actually show the filter pool or not.
-- Dan

On Aug 16, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:

Hello All,

I have attached four screenshots to help clarify what I am seeing. 

The first screenshot is after adding my two server proxies, it shows that the Filter Pools are being created correctly and that everything behaves correctly. Both servers refer to a common "*** Server Hosts:ssh.files" Filter Pool, and then each has its own Filter Pool, "MyServer:ssh.files" and "My2ndServer:ssh.files" respectively.

The second screenshot is right when I open up Eclipse, showing the NPE I encounter, right away you can see the decoraters are messed up in the RSE view.

The third screenshot is opening the "Select Filter Pools" dialog on My2ndServer, and seeing that now only the "My2ndServer:ssh.files" Filter Pool has been loaded successfully.

Further, if I then add a new proxy, "MyThirdServer", then suddenly the common Filter Pool "*** Server Hosts:ssh.files" starts working for all three servers, but the "MyServer:ssh.files" Filter Pool is still unresolved, as seen in the fourth screenshot.

I debugged the code and addReferenceToSystemFilterPool(pool) does a .commit() of the whole profile, and while debugging the commit it correctly stepped through every Filter Pool Reference.

It is starting to seem like it is actually a problem with persisting the Filter Pools themselves, as the Filter Pool References seem to work again as soon as the Filter Pool is re-created.

I should also note that the common Filter Pool works fine between servers as long as I remove this code for adding the unique pool.

Finally, here is some updated code:
String hostName = ... // Get host name
String username = ... // Get username

// Create MyProfile
ISystemRegistry systemRegistry = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry();
ISystemProfile myProfile = systemRegistry.getSystemProfile("MyProfile");    
if (myProfile == null) {
    myProfile = systemRegistry.createSystemProfile("MyProfile"true);  

// Create the host
IHost host = systemRegistry.getHost(myProfile, hostName);
if (host == null) {
    // Create with SSH to add the SFTP subsystem
    host = systemRegistry.createHost(myProfile.getName(), systemRegistry.getSystemTypeById(IRSESystemType.SYSTEMTYPE_SSH_ONLY_ID), hostName, hostName, "MyProfile Description");

// Create the XMP_HOME filter in the Remote Systems Explorer view
for (ISubSystem subSystem : host.getSubSystems()) {
    if (subSystem.getName().equals("Sftp Files")) {
        ISubSystemConfiguration config = subSystem.getSubSystemConfiguration();
        ISystemFilterPoolManager poolManager = config.getFilterPoolManager(myProfile);
        ISystemFilterPool pool = poolManager.createSystemFilterPool(server.getName()+":ssh.files", true);
      // pool==null when the pool with the name has already been created
        if (pool != null) {
            ISystemFilter filter = pool.createSystemFilter("Secret", new String[] {"/path/of/super/secret/resource/"});
          // filter is showing as being dirty, we will commit it now.
            ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager refManager = subSystem.getFilterPoolReferenceManager();
          // addReferenceToSystemFilterPool implementation will do a commit 

It seems that the call to commit() works all the way up to the SystemProfile, and then goes down through all its children, so the final call to addReferenceToSystemFilterPool should take care of persisting all of the new data.


On Aug 16, 2011, at 1:52 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:

Hi David,

I am using v3.2.0. In order to see the exception when starting Eclipse you must have "Show Filter Pools" enabled on the RSE view (in view drop-down menu). I tried adding the .commit()'s, but nothing changed.

It seems like when
is called that it removes any reference to other pools that already exist, is it not intended that a pool reference manager have more than one pool reference? I see that old API used to be to setReferencetoSystemFilterPool, and now it is addReferenceToSystemFilterPool(), maybe there is a bug in 3.2.0 that still only allows one reference? I also tried to get the list of references from the manager, add the new reference object, and then setReferences(Reference[]) with all of them, but still only the last one is saved after a restart.

My use case is I have multiple server entries that are using the same profile, and I want "MyFilter" to be slightly different for each server, so I am creating a new Filter Pool for each server within the SFTP subsystems Filter Pool Reference Manager. See the attached screenshot for example. It has a default "My Server Profile" Pool that I want every server to have, and then an extra "My server at <IP.ADDRESS>" Pool that will be unique per server.

After I create these Pools everything seems to work fine, but as soon as I restart only the last created Pool is visible in the list in the screenshot.


On Aug 16, 2011, at 12:41 PM, David McKnight wrote:

Which version of RSE are you using?

I tried to reproduce this although I had to modify the code since my version doesn't have systemRegistry.getSystemTypeById():
// Create with SSH to add the SFTP subsystem
IRSESystemType type = RSECorePlugin.getTheCoreRegistry().getSystemTypeById(IRSESystemType.SYSTEMTYPE_SSH_ONLY_ID);
host = systemRegistry.createHost(myProfile.getName(), type, hostName, hostName, "MyProfile Description");

When I restart Eclipse, I don't hit the problems you're hitting - I still have "MyFilter". If you make the following commit calls, does filter reference get persisted properly?
ISystemFilter newFilter = pool.createSystemFilter("MyFilter", new String[] {"/path/of/super/secret/resource/"});

// Add a reference from the SFTP subsystem to my new pool
ISystemFilterPoolReference ref = subSystem.getFilterPoolReferenceManager().addReferenceToSystemFilterPool(pool);

David McKnight
Phone: 905-413-3902 , T/L: 969-3902
Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
Mail: D1/YFY/8200/TOR

<graycol.gif>Daniel Johnson ---16/08/2011 02:47:15 PM---Hi, I am trying to programmatically create Filter entries on a server, and it seems to work fine, bu

Daniel Johnson <danijoh2@xxxxxxxxx>
16/08/2011 02:47 PM
[tm-dev] Programatic Creation of Filters/Pools/References
Sent by:


I am trying to programmatically create Filter entries on a server, and it seems to work fine, but as soon as I exit Eclipse and re-launch it seems that all of the Filters on that Server are corrupt, with a NPE being thrown in the error log.

Can anyone help explain how to do this and/or what I am doing wrong?

Here is my code:

String hostName = ... // Get host name
String username = ... // Get username

// Create MyProfile
ISystemRegistry systemRegistry = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry();
ISystemProfile myProfile = systemRegistry.getSystemProfile("MyProfile");
if (myProfile == null) {
myProfile = systemRegistry.createSystemProfile("MyProfile", true);

// Create the host
IHost host = systemRegistry.getHost(myProfile, hostName);
if (host == null) {
// Create with SSH to add the SFTP subsystem
host = systemRegistry.createHost(myProfile.getName(), systemRegistry.getSystemTypeById(IRSESystemType.SYSTEMTYPE_SSH_ONLY_ID), hostName, hostName, "MyProfile Description");

for (ISubSystem subSystem : host.getSubSystems()) {
// Want the SFTP subsystem
if (subSystem.getName().equals("Sftp Files")) {
ISubSystemConfiguration config = subSystem.getSubSystemConfiguration();
// Get the Pool Manager for my profile type
ISystemFilterPoolManager poolManager = config.getFilterPoolManager(myProfile);
// Create the new filter Pool for my new filter (returns null if it already exists)
ISystemFilterPool pool = poolManager.createSystemFilterPool(server.getName()+
":ssh.files", true);
if (pool != null) {
// Create my new filter, this is a brand new Pool so don't worry checking if it already exists
pool.createSystemFilter("MyFilter", new String[] {"/path/of/super/secret/resource/"});
// Add a reference from the SFTP subsystem to my new pool

And here is the NPE after restarting Eclipse:

at org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.view.SystemViewFilterPoolReferenceAdapter.getName(
at org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.AbstractSystemViewAdapter.testAttribute(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionExpression$ObjectStateExpression.preciselyMatches(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionExpression$ObjectStateExpression.isEnabledFor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionExpression$OrExpression.isEnabledFor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionExpression$SingleExpression.isEnabledFor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionExpression.isEnabledFor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.DecoratorDefinition.isEnabledFor(

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Johnson_______________________________________________
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