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Re: [technology-pmc] Pushing XWT past the finish line

A report could be send to cross-project regularly and be made visible on the website.

There also needs to be a lot more validation for those requirements of the common repo. For example, it should be possible to detect projects relying on bits that are "off track" and nag those projects as well.

I think these could be good prods, making more people aware of the potential problem usually helps trigger action.
It's still not clear to me, however, if other projects were explicitly dependent on the non-release-ready version of XWT. In other words, the question of whether a viable option was/is to include last years's release train version in this years' train. I realize in some cases that won't be viable (eg, a downstream project is dependent on features or fixes not in the previous release), but can it be kept as one option when this situation arises?

June 13, 2016 3:11 AM
On 13 Jun 2016, at 03:50, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

A project must define a release record matching the release train date. Isn't that sort of opt-in? Defining the release record is an explicit action done by the project leads. I think that should be enough.
Requiring an IP Log earlier does not help with agility. Especially if we want to release more often. 

This sounds like a lot of work - especially given that there is no one available for implementing an automation around this - but here is what I'd like to see:

Instead if the implicit date matching of the release record, project MUST confirm participation in a release train as well as participation in the common repository (these are two different things). Note, it can be as simple as two checkboxes on the release record form when entering the release date. But it would solve the ambiguity with projects releasing on an earlier date but still submitting to the release train. 

Next, release train status flags are introduced for release records. After every milestone, there is some logic verifying the new bits have been submitted by a project (if the release is pending) or not. If no new bits have been submitted, the project will be nagged to re-confirm their participation in the release train. If they do not re-confirm within XX days, they are declared "off track" and are effectively out, i.e. the release train participation flags are removed and the release record is set "on hold" (maybe that's too drastic).

The same "nagging" and re-confiming should happen when required documentation must be submitted.

A report could be send to cross-project regularly and be made visible on the website.

There also needs to be a lot more validation for those requirements of the common repo. For example, it should be possible to detect projects relying on bits that are "off track" and nag those projects as well.


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June 12, 2016 9:50 PM

I agree. The suggestion was born out of desperation.

The problem has been mitigated in the short term.

I intend to bring this up with the Planning Council to sort out means of identifying problems earlier.

I fought for explicit opt-in to ensure that project teams are paying attention year-after-year, but it seems that more is needed.

e.g. require that projects submit an IP Log for review on M6. Or maybe just certain projects.


On 11/06/16 04:17 AM, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:

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June 11, 2016 4:17 AM

I think it's not helpful if we step in and help pushing the project past the finish line. Can the other projects be made aware of the situation? I'd like to get a sense of how critical XWT is. Maybe there are volunteers for helping XWT if it's critical enough for them?


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June 10, 2016 11:38 AM

Greetings PMC.

We have a situtation.

The XWT project team has apparently stopped participating in the simultaneous release process. According to the EDP, the XWT project must engage in a release review before the version 1.2 bits can be released. If they do not engage in this review, then we have to remove them from the simultaneous release. Unfortunately, at least two other projects in the simultaneous release depend on XWT, so removing it will be at least a little bit painful. I'm assuming that these dependent projects have done sufficient testing of their features that depend on XWT.

Theoretically, if we remove them from the release, the projects that use XWT can revert to an earlier version. That's one option to consider. Perhaps those projects may be able to extract themselves from XWT.

Another option is for us to declare the project dysfunctional, retire the current project lead and team, and then push it through the process ourselves. Then, following the release, we first look for another team to take over the project or take steps to terminate and archive the project.

I've sent a note to the dev-list and personal note to the project lead in a last-ditch effort to get a response. If we don't hear back before Monday, we'll have to make a decision.


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