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Re: [technology-pmc] [ohf-dev] Time for a termination review?

Hi Grahame. I notice that you made three commits in October. What is the project's status?

We're getting ready to schedule the Termination review. Does OHF need more time? How much time?


hi Wayne

Most of the activity related to OHF has moved elsewhere - either to
other eclipse projects (platform ones) or to OHT
( I think that the only working projects are the
hl7 related ones of which I am the only remaining committer. I have
agreed to migrate them to OHT, but haven't yet done so - mostly a
question of finding the time to do it.

If there is other code still active in the OHF project - speak up now!


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There has been no commit activity in the OHF source code repository in
> more than a year. Recent (September 2011) questions on the newsgroup
> have gone unanswered. The project appears dead.
> Is it time to archive OHF?
> I have added OHF to the list of projects for potential termination in
> December 2011 [1]. If there are parts of OHF that need to be
> moved/saved, we can schedule a Restructuring Review to take care of
> those parts. That restructuring review can either occur ahead of the
> termination review or concurrent with it.
> Ultimately, we need to do the right thing by OHF and I am here to help
> you do that. Let me know how I can help.
> Wayne
> [1]
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> The Eclipse Foundation
> Twitter: @waynebeaton
> _______________________________________________
> ohf-dev mailing list
> ohf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton

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