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[technology-pmc] [CQ 5629] plexus-component-annotations Version: 1.5.5 (PB CQ4581)

--- Comment #6 from Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>  2011-09-28 20:41:43 ---
My apologies. I often speak of the differences between workswith and prereq
dependencies in terms of distribution, because it tends to ground the
discussion most of the time. As more projects use Maven, this is becoming less
true, so I'll have to change my tactics.

What it really comes down to is whether or not the third party dependency is

Does an adopter need to have this library for Aether to make sense?

Or can an adopter use Aether in the absence of this library, but Aether
provides extended functionality if this library is present?

If the former, then it should be a prereq; if the latter, a workswith.

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