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[technology-pmc] Termination review request for Faceted Project Framework project

Technology PMC and EMO,


I have not been able to dedicate sufficient amount time to push for adoption of facets technology outside of WTP (the reason behind a separate project) and I do not see this situation changing any time soon. Unfortunately, no one else has stepped forward to help carry the banner. It is time to terminate.


The framework will continue to exist in WTP in its current form where it serves the needs of WTP and its adopters. I will continue to fix bugs and implement minor enhancements there as necessary.


I am also resigning as a member of Technology PMC. I originally agreed to join the PMC to help make more friendly to micro projects. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the time to be an active member of this PMC. It is time for me to step aside.




- Konstantin

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