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[technology-pmc] Re: [ecf-dev] Re: [tools-pmc] Newsreader project

Hi Scott,

Sounds like a good plan to me. Eric, what do you think?



On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Scott Lewis<slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Wayne and all,
> <...emerging from the shadow of Galileo release prep>
> I would like to restart this thread (on the ECF dev mailing list...I'm not
> able to cross post to the technology pmc and tools pmc mailing lists as I'm
> not a member of those lists and so my emails if people want to
> have this thread duplicated on technology or tools PMC lists please send a
> copy to those lists).
> For the moment, I would like to limit the discussion to the newsreader
> application specifically...not because I don't think a top-level "Social"
> project is a good idea (I do think it's a good idea), nor because we/ECF
> don't have things to contribute to such a larger effort (we certainly do),
> but only because I think the way to get such a larger effort started is to
> make immediate progress on some of the pieces (e.g. getting a newsreader app
> available).
> So, WRT moving forward on the newsreader aspect of things...I suggest that
> Wim open an ECF enhancement request (e.g. titled nntp newsreader
> application) and that Wim attach a zip of the newsreader source code to this
> enhancement request.  Then I/other ECF committers can begin to work with the
> code, publicly comment/review it, provide feedback to Wim, get the IP stuff
> all worked out (which I will do), and ultimately create an incubation
> component for the work within ECF.
> As well, we can then jointly investigate and discuss some opportunities for
> integration...both with existing ECF components (IRC, chat, IM, rt shared
> editing, tweethub/twitter client, e4 apps, etc) as well as with new things
> that ECF is working on or planning for the coming year (e.g. Google Wave
> support, xmpp server, etc).  I think there could be some very interesting
> things done here at the application/tools well as the server
> level...with very little additional technical effort, if we get folks
> working together effectively.  Actually, I've been thinking about it a
> little recently, and this might want to turn into some sort of showcase for
> Equinox-enabled 'modular application development', as I think things are now
> at the point where such modularity is really being enabled (by OSGi,
> Equinox, Eclipse, and EF projects).
> Incidently, it doesn't matter to me whether these are organizationally in
> ECF, the examples project, something else in technology or tools, or in a
> new top-level project.  It may be that some things are done in one place
> (ECF) and other things in other projects...I'm open to whatever works out
> best for the communities involved.  But I do have to say that ECF has to
> limit things a little bit...only because we (once again) are going to have
> lots on our plate for the coming year, and I don't want to over-commit WRT
> what we can actually deliver, or get personally overburdened with
> organizational/project lead things (e.g. IP process work, etc).  Hopefully
> we all can share some of those duties.
> As above I suggest that Wim open an ECF enhancement request (I suppose put
> in ecf.examples component), and attach the current newsreader source to that
> enhancement request...and we'll let things continue on that course.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> Wayne Beaton wrote:
>> You should include some discussion of an eventual "Social" top-level
>> project in your project proposal.
>> For now, though, let's keep it as simple as possible.
>> Wayne
>> Wim Jongman wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Sounds good to me. What about the idea of a top level "Social",
>>> "Community" or "Collaboration" top level project where matured tools
>>> from ECF, Technology, Etc.. can be moved to?
>>> I am thinking about. IRC, Newsreader, twitter clients, etcetera?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Wim
>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Wayne Beaton<wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> ECF, quite reasonably, isn't going to be able to move on this any time
>>>> before July.
>>>> I wonder if the right approach is to create a project under Technology
>>>> that
>>>> we can later move to ECF?
>>>> Wayne
>>>> Wim Jongman wrote:
>>>>> Okay, this sounds like a consent conclusion and I am more than happy
>>>>> to work with ECF. What should I do next. Send the same introduction
>>>>> e-mail to the Technology PMC?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Wim Jongman
>>>>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Schaefer, Doug
>>>>> <Doug.Schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> +1. ECF or Tech. Nothing more to add.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> [mailto:tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jeff McAffer
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 10:54 AM
>>>>>> To: Tools PMC mailing list
>>>>>> Cc: Wayne Beaton; slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [tools-pmc] Newsreader project
>>>>>>> Looking at the current top level projects list, I don't think that
>>>>>>> there is currently a project that is a good fit for tools like this.
>>>>>>> Ideally there should be a "Social" top level project that would fit
>>>>>>> tools like this one and could also hold the "Social" subprojects from
>>>>>>> ECF like the chat clients and the IRC client and possible future
>>>>>>> projects like a twitter client. I have some other ideas about this
>>>>>>> top
>>>>>>>     level project. However, at the moment, the Tools project seems
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> best.
>>>>>> I am not so fussed about which top-level project at the moment and
>>>>>> generally we don't start top-levels until there is a very clear
>>>>>> direction and community.
>>>>>> Also we should keep separate (to a certain degree) which technology is
>>>>>> being used.  That is, just cause the project *might* be in mylyn (for
>>>>>> example) does not mean that one automatically has to install mylyn to
>>>>>> make it work.  That all depends on the code dependencies.  We have
>>>>>> swaths of Equinox that don't need the Equinox framework at all or can
>>>>>> run on other frameworks.
>>>>>> Your comments around Social and ECF actually lead me to believe that
>>>>>> while the implementation does not necessarily use ECF, ECF is
>>>>>> currently
>>>>>> a focal point at Eclipse for social/communications things.  So perhaps
>>>>>> this is better suited to being part of ECF with an aim to at some
>>>>>> point
>>>>>> growing a broader social community.  Failing that, I personally
>>>>>> suggest
>>>>>> a project in Technology.  Technology is the usual spot to start
>>>>>> projects
>>>>>> that have no other obvious home.
>>>>>> Jeff
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