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[technology-pmc] So what is the process for finding project mentors?

The Faceted Project Framework proposal is moving along nicely. There has been some activity on the newsgroup, I blogged about the project, explicitly reached out to two projects who might be interested in leveraging this technology (PDT and CDT), there is interest from at least three projects at Eclipse (not counting WTP). So, by all objective measures, this proposal is ready to move to incubation stage. The only problem, is that I haven’t managed to figure out how to line up mentors for the project (a requirement for moving to the incubation stage). The eclipse development process offers no guidance on this. I tried to use bugzilla to open a “bug” against Architecture Council (, since that seems to be the way that AC wants to hear from the community, but there wasn’t even a single response on the bug (opened on 10-31). Note that I am explicitly not trying to use my connections to reach out to individual members of AC, since I want to better understand obstacles facing projects during the startup phase.


So I have two questions for the rest of the Technology PMC:


(a) In your experience, what do projects typically do to line up mentors?

(b) What can we do to improve the process in this area? I have previously proposed that Technology PMC take on the job of mentoring projects incubating within the project. Since the primary function of the Technology Project is incubation, this makes more sense to me than asking projects to find two other individuals from AC. In a lot of ways, this PMC is already mentoring projects. Other ideas?


- Konstantin



Konstantin Komissarchik | Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 425 201 1795 | Mobile: +1 206 898 0611
Oracle Eclipse Tooling
411 108th Ave NE, Suite 2100 | Bellevue, WA 98004



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