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[technology-pmc] Creation Review of the Memory Analyzer Project Proposal

Dear Technology PMC members

end of January we have posted the project proposal for the Memory Analyzer ( Now we would like to schedule the creation review for the project. For that we would kindly ask you approval.

The Memory Analyzer provides general purpose tooling to analyze Java heap dumps. One can browse the objects, see why they are not garbage collected (path to GC roots), what memory they keep alive (retained set) and how big that chunk is (retained size). On top, the tool automatically extracts leak suspects. The Memory Analyzer supports pluggable heap formats (HPROF, DTFJ coming soon), pluggable application knowledge (component names) and pluggable heap inspections.

We are very pleased that Jochen Krause (project lead Eclipse RAP) and Jeff McAffer (project lead Equinox OSGi, RCP, Orbit) agreed to act as mentors for the project.

Interested parties are
- Application Knowledge for SAP JEE server
- open source tool to support DTFJ formatted dumps
- Synergies to be discussed at EclipseCon F2F
Eclipse OSGi
- Example: detect if and why bundles leak after deploy/undeploy cycle

SAP offers an initial code contribution as a stable basis for continued development.

Let me know if you need further information. We have prepared a draft slide deck for the creation review. However, I have refrained from attaching it to this email. Let me know if you would like to have a copy. This is the first contribution of a separate project for SAP and we're charting unknown waters... :-)

Kind regards,

   - Andreas.

Andreas Buchen
Senior Software Developer
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf, Germany
T   +49 62 27 7-6 64 78
F   +49 62 27 78-4 47 74
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Walldorf, Germany
Vorstand/SAP Executive Board: Henning Kagermann (Sprecher/CEO), Léo Apotheker (stellv. Sprecher/Deputy CEO), Werner Brandt, Claus Heinrich, Gerhard Oswald, Peter Zencke
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairperson of the SAP Supervisory Board: Hasso Plattner, Registergericht/Commercial Register Mannheim No HRB 350269
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