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[technology-pmc] Confirmation of vote for Roland Fru as new ECF committer


Following the process specified here:

I'm now confirming that Roland has been approved by a vote of the existing committers. Below is the vote summary email I just sent is not yet on the mailing list archive (not had a chance to be archived) but should be available here shortly:

Please let me know when I should proceed with filling out the new committer request form.



-----email summary of vote sent to ecf-dev 2pm 11/2/2006-----

Hi Folks,

Here are the results of the committer vote for Roland Fru as new ECF committer

+1:  6
0: 1
-1: 0

Roland is approved by the existing committers. Congrats Roland, we're very happy to have you as a committer for ECF!

Roland and I will begin the paperwork with the foundation to complete the process as specified here:

Thanks everyone for voting and your ongoing participation/help with ECF!


Scott Lewis wrote:
Hi Folks,

I would like to nominate Roland Fru as a new ECF committer.

Roland has been contributing to the ECF project for the past ~5 months working on a Jingle-based implementation of the call API. He has deep experience with developing VOIP infrastructure...for example, he is primarily responsible for implementing a commercial softphone associated with the yakacall service ( He is very experienced in Java, he has also worked with the Asterisk open source PBX, as a user, administrator, and programmer ( Roland is also a contributor to the Joomla project ( Roland has setup and been running our Asterisk server at the OSU Open Source Lab, and would now like to be able to contribute directly to the call API development, provider implementation, and subsequent exemplary app development as a committer.

Also, Roland recently attended Eclipse summit Europe and had time to pose for a picture (front left):

Below is a short note from Roland. I will send a copy of Roland's resume directly to the existing committers in a separate email. If you want to communicate directly with Roland, his email is: roland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

All committers please vote +1=approve, -1=disapprove, 0=no vote.
Scott's vote:  +1


-------Statement from Roland below-----------------

My reasons for wanting to become an Eclipse Committer could be summarized as follows:

Open Source in general is gaining ground both as a technology and solution provider. I use open source technologies very often in my daily work as a consultant/developer and that explains my affinity to the open source domain. I am also conscious of the fact that the organic growth of Open Source software products and frameworks is mainly possible due to the contribution of the developers that commit time, knowledge and effort into such projects. With over 7 years experience with Java & Communication technologies, ECF is a natural choice for me to give back something to Eclipse which I discovered in its early days as an IDE and now as a framework. I also participate actively in the Joomla CMS project.

Having roots in West Africa, I am also concerned about economic growth as a means to reduce poverty and hunger in the region. Providing enabling technologies to support businesses in general in cutting transaction costs is, in my opinion, a giant leap in that direction. Open Source communications technologies in particular represent an affordable means to that effect e.g. bundling ECF with existing back-end solutions will open up possibilities to small businesses which would otherwise have been unaffordable for them. This also is one of the reasons why I want to become a committer on the ECF project.



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