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[technology-pmc] Re: EPF 1.0??

If you believe that the EPF project and code satisfy the requirement for graduation and a 1.0 release, I think the best way to proceed is to provide a graduation/release review slide deck documenting the items.
After you've convinced (via the slide deck) the Technology PMC that you're ready to graduate, then we can go ahead and schedule the review. The time is tight because:
  • Review must occur and be successful before the release
  • Review must be scheduled at least one week in advance (and, at the Board's request, we only have two review dates per month - it's either the 1st and 3rd Wednesday or the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays).
  • Additionally, you need to have your IP log and code reviewed and approved by Eclipse Legal before the review can be scheduled.
- Bjorn

Per Kroll wrote:
We had planned to release EPF 1.0 on Sep 30.
Tooling (EPF composer) is OK and mature.
OpenUP needs more time to be field tested and to be proven as an extensible
process framework.

We want to stick to Sep 30 and release EPF 1.0, containing EPF Composer 1.0
(with stable APIs), and OpenUP 0.9.

E.g. IBM commit to release commercial product on top of EPF compoeser 1.0,
but not yet OpenUP 0.9.

Any concerns?
Alternative is to call all EPF 0.9.

How to schedule release and incubation exit reviews?

Per Kroll
Manager RUP / RMC, EPF Project Lead

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