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[technology-pmc] Fw: [bpel-dev] Call For Vote: Commit rights for Simon Moser


All active committers have voted, even though the voting period has not yet expired.

Please approve the new committer (or if you really do need to wait for a week that's okay).

Voting record:



----- Forwarded by James Moody/Ottawa/IBM on 08/24/2006 09:43 AM -----
James Moody/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/24/2006 09:40 AM

Please respond to
"BPEL Designer project developer discussions." <bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"BPEL Designer project developer discussions." <bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [bpel-dev] Call For Vote: Commit rights for Simon Moser

Although the one-week voting period has not expired, all committers have now voted.

3 yes votes

0 no votes

0 abstain votes

Simon, congratulations, I'll seek PMC approval.


bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 08/21/2006 02:18:22 PM:

> BPEL Commiters:
> I'd like to nominate Simon Moser as a committer on the BPEL Designer project.
> Simon has worked for many years on workflow technology in IBM, from
> FDL and FDML to BPEL. I've personally worked with for a number of
> years and know him to be a very competent and professional person.
> His knowledge of BPEL as well as his participation in the OASIS BPEL
> TC make him well-suited to this project.
> Simon is also very much up to speed on this particular project, and
> although his previous role did not present him with the opportunity
> to participate, he is now in the position to do so.
> As mentioned in a previous email, I propose that Simon take over my
> role as co-lead of this project (subject to the vote passing, of course <g>).
> Please reply with +1 (yes), -1 (no) or 0 (abstain).
> james_______________________________________________
> bpel-dev mailing list
> bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
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