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RE: [technology-pmc] FW: [lepido-dev] Technology PMC Project Review

Title: Bjorn Freeman
In the past, we also past a Board resolution upon the recommendation of the Technology PMC. I think that would be a good idea here. If nothing else, it tells the Board that we're doing a reasonable job of housekeeping.
So please let me know when the PMC is ready to make the recommendation :-)

From: technology-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:technology-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Sent: March 27, 2006 4:59 PM
To: Technology PMC
Subject: Re: [technology-pmc] FW: [lepido-dev] Technology PMC Project Review

We tell Denis "archive this project" and then magic things happen (basically; I have to do a little database work, but mostly it is Denis).

Wayne Beaton wrote:
How do we go about archiving this project?

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvain Wallez [mailto:sylvain@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: March 27, 2006 4:28 AM
To: Wayne Beaton
Cc: lepido-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [lepido-dev] Technology PMC Project Review

Wayne Beaton wrote:
Hi Sylvain
We, the Technology PMC, have been somewhat remiss in our 
duties as a 
PMC and have not been helping our sub-projects progress and 
We have made a commitment to ourselves and the community to be more 
active in 2006. As part of that greater activity, we are 
reviewing the 
Technology sub-projects one-by-one and have come to the 
Lepido Project.
Based on our review of activity in Bugzilla, the mailing list, and 
news group, it does not appear that the project is 
currently active. 
There does not appear to have been any code checked into 
CVS for some 
time. Is there ongoing activity in the Lepido project? Is 
it time to 
archive the project, or is there something that we in the 
PMC can do to help reinvigorate it?
We've addressed this query to you as project lead. We would, of 
course, be happy to hear from others on the project. Our own PMC 
minutes can be found here:  We 
thank you for 
your attention.

Although we regret it, the initial committer group (and the backing
company) has no more time nor resources to invest on the 
Lepido project for the foreseeable future, and close to none 
of the initial interested parties actually contributed.

So, if no other people stand up to get the ball rolling, I 
think we can consider the Lepido project as being inactive 
and therefore archive it.

You can find a discussion on this subject at


Sylvain Wallez
Apache Software Foundation Member

technology-pmc mailing list


Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Director, Open Source Process
Eclipse Foundation
voice:  971-327-7323 (PST, UTC-8)
email:  bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx

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