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Re: [tcf-dev] Setting break point programmatically
  • From: Eugene Tarassov <eugenet@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 01:58:28 +0000
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  • Thread-topic: Setting break point programmatically



IBreakpoints.PROP_FILE is path of the source file when it was compiled.

You have to know where you compile your code, it is not a job of the debugger.





From: tcf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <tcf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Gidi Gal
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 2:22 PM
To: tcf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <tcf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [tcf-dev] Setting break point programmatically





I made some progress with my understanding of the problem. I was setting the path to the file in property IBreakpoints.PROP_FILE with the local path and not the path on the target. Once I set the path to the file in the target, breakpoint was set successfully. While I understand how to do this on a Linux VM, my main focus is on a VxWorks target. The file which I want to set breakpoint is located in a static library which is linked into a downloadable kernel module. When I launch my application, I specify the module file name.

Is there a view in TCF that can show me the path to this file in the target ?





From: tcf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <tcf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Gidi Gal <gidigal@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 6:43 PM
To: tcf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <tcf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [tcf-dev] Setting break point programmatically




I am trying to add a break point using TCF API. Here is the code I am using :


private void createAnimBreakpointUsingTCF(final String sourceHandle, int line) {


         Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        properties.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_FILE, sourceHandle);

         properties.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_TYPE, "Auto");

         properties.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ID, UUID.randomUUID().toString());

         properties.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LINE, line);

         properties.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, true);

         //m_animBreakpoint stores IBreakpoints service which is received from IChannel. The method is called after testing that the channel is in state IChannel.STATE_OPEN

         this.m_animBreakpoint = this.m_breakpoints.add(properties, new DoneCommand() {


                   public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) {

                               if (error != null) {

                                     //TODO report error







The breakpoint is not set correctly. When I look in its properties I see in the status page the report "Error: unresolved source line information".

When I add the break point manually, it is added successfully.

I tried to debug the manual addition of the break point, I don't see differences between the path to the path that I send in my code and the debugged path. I tried also this code, which is called higher in the call stack, in the process of manually adding a break point:


private void createAnimBreakpointUsingCDI(final String sourceHandle, final int line) {

             Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {


              public void run() {

                           Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                           ICLineBreakpoint lineBp = CDIDebugModel.createBlankLineBreakpoint();

                           CDIDebugModel.setLineBreakpointAttributes(attributes, sourceHandle, 0, line, true, 0, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

                           //The file in focus is not part of Eclipse project.

                           IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

                            try {

                                      CDIDebugModel.createBreakpointMarker(lineBp, root, attributes, true);

                            } catch (CoreException e) {







The break point is added with an error icon near it, tool tip is showing the error: failed to plant: Unresolved source line information.


I'll try to build a small test that reproduces this issue. If you have any idea how to solve it, I'll be grateful for your reply.





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