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[tcf-dev] Step Into Selection when execution is already at the selection line


I am having problems on my system when using "step into selection" when my execution is already at the selection line, where the execution will just run untill the end of the program.

For example, given the following lines of code where foo1 and foo2 are some existing methods:


If I was currently at the printf line and performed "step into selection" on foo2, all works fine.
If I was currently at the foo1 line and performed "step into selection" on foo2, my program runs past everything.

I looked into the implementation of TCFStepIntoSelectionHandler, and my understanding is that there are two steps:

Step 1- Place breakpoint at selection line, run, remove the breakpoint.
Step 2- Place breakpoint on selection function, run, remove the breakpoint.

I assume step 1 is needed so that we don't stop at the selection function before control reaches the selecion line, however when execution is already at the selection line, step 1 (at least in my case) passes the selection function, resulting in step 2 running untill the end of the program execution.

Is there a way I can bypass this? Is it possible to skip step 1 when execution is already at the selection location? 

Moshe Cikk

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