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Re: [swtbot-dev] New version plans?

On 04/01/2015 05:06 PM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
Hi everyone,
Are there any plans for new release?
As far as I'm concerned, for JBoss Tools and other projects we're involved in, we don't need any change to SWTBot, so there is nothing planned from our side. But maybe other contributors have plans?

I'm looking for a release which:
* switches to latest tycho+cbi for builds
* bumps maven plugins used
* switches the target platform to something newer than Juno (this happens to be quite problematic as mvn is failing on me dozens of times already because quite few mirrors still have it).
* or any combination of the above :)
Such a change will benefit us (always building from source) enormously.
I would approve those changes and would welcome them in the project.
But here again, other contributor's opinion is welcome.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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