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Re: [swtbot-dev] SWTBot Recorder is not absolute

On 03/09/2015 11:43 AM, Jeevan Rex wrote:
Hi SWTBot Dev Team,
// I choose the location of my .csv file – which is also not recorded in this.
Is there a way to mention which row and which column of the table I am dealing with now?
The recorder doesn't have rules to deal correctly with tables yet. Please open a bug to request it, with the expected output in that case, and consider contributing the necessary rule (see as an example):

2.       I have a SashForm with two Composite. Each Composite contain a grid of almost the same data and same button names. When I try to run SWTBot Recorder and try to click on the Grids, it is not saying which Grid which I am dealing with now. The following is the code which produced.
Is it possible with SWTBot to find which Composite I am dealing with?
This SashForm exist inside a tab, just like “Package Explorer”, for example. How does SWTBot identify which tab is it now dealing with.
It may also be a limitation or a missing rule. What code would you expect the generator to create (relying on existing SWTBot API) ?

Are the Test produced by SWTBot absolute?
The state of your application when you start recording may affect the code generated. For example, initial selection and active views can make the recorder skip the rules about selection and activation. So those tests are not absolute but more relative to the state of your application when starting to record.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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