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Re: [swtbot-dev] SWTWorkbenchBot.closeAllShells()

On 01/28/2014 10:39 AM, Xavier Raynaud wrote:
At the beginning of a test, I call "SWTWorkbenchBot.closeAllShells()".
Theoretically, this method closes all shell but the Eclipse one (I experimentally verified that the Eclipse shell is not closed). Am I right ?
I'm not sure.
If you look at the code ( ), then you see there is nothing that prevents this method from closing the Eclipse shell. IMO, it just closes all shells without exception. That would explain the errors you get after.

By the way, I would like to warmly thank you for this great project.
We have deployed SWTBot with jacoco in continuous integration for our product (Kalray produces a massively parallel embedded device, with more that 256 processors, and uses Eclipse as IDE).
Thanks to SWTBot, we are able to deploy complex test scenarios, such as remote debugging of multi-platform applications (running on both x86 and our parallel device).
I do not know if you have a "testimonial" section in your project, but I'm OK to write one if you want !
SWTBot is indeed a very cool project. Thanks Ketan for that ;)
SWTBot has a kind of testimonial section on the wiki but IMHO it's is not a good place to start a buzz. I think it would have more impact if you could write this in a blog or something "external" to usual Eclipse infrastructure, that we could link from the wiki, from Twitter and so on.
However, feel free to do what you want with the wiki, as long as you wish to edit it for the goodness of SWTBot project ;)
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
My blog - My Tweets

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