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Re: [swtbot-dev] problems running swtbot test suite in some configurations

On 24/10/2013 15:17, Mickael Istria wrote:
> On 10/24/2013 03:00 PM, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
>> Mh... why is the workbench open with SWTBotShellTest?  That test should
>> be still run as a plain Junit test, and it does not seem to open the
>> Workbench itself, or did I miss something?
> The workbench is started by Tycho surefire plugin.
> I've changed the configuration of surefire to avoid that and it seems
> like everything is now working better. Here is the suggested change:
> . Can you please give it a try and see
> whether it fixes the issues you got, and add a vote according to your
> conclusions?

Argh!  You've come to my same conclusion but you've been faster than me! ;)

Before looking at your email I had already started the build with


Before starting the build for that project I debugged the failing test
and that succeeded!  Now let's wait for the build to end and cross our
fingers :)


Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino
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