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Re: [swtbot-dev] Project & Committer resignation from

2013/2/19 Ketan Padegaonkar <ketanpadegaonkar@xxxxxxxxx>

Currently I am the project lead of SWTBot, in addition to being a maintainer for a few orbit bundles needed by SWTBot.

I am writing to resign from the above positions. Personally I feel strongly that a project lead should either lead or get out of the way. I've not contributed to SWTBot in any way and I do not expect things to change. I'd rather someone else carry the leadership position forward.

I have not been committing code nor contributed by way of helping out the community. I do not see myself fulfilling my role as an eclipse committer, so I'll resign.

I feel that Mickael Istria from RedHat is doing a better job than I am, responding to forums and encouraging contributions and everything else that's involved in moving the project forward. I'd like to nominate Mickael as the new lead.

Committers, please add a +1 if you're ok nominating Mickael as the project lead.

+1 for nominating Mickael as the project lead


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