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Re: [swtbot-dev] Move to Tycho ?

Sorry to bypass Mickael,

but how I've been using tycho for some time and I already had the same question than Ketan, I could give my 2 cents...

my answers inline below...



On 13/10/11 14:26, Ketan Padegaonkar wrote:

I've looked at your changes and they look fine to me. Can you tell me how I go about running tests. Code coverage (using cobertura or emma) and javadoc generation would be a good idea to have, do you think you can add that in?
Code coverage is possible with emma:

Another thing I noticed when running the build is that maven connects to the internet to resolve dependencies everytime I run the build (even with the --offline flag). Is there any way to turn this off?

This is a know issue not of tycho, but related to P2...:

-- Ketan

On 10/13/11 9:21 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
Hi all,

With recent choice of leaving support for old Eclipse versions, the project is now more clean and the build is easier to tweak. As tracked by bug 359024, I tried to create a Tycho builder for SWTBot. All the stuff is about adding pom.xml in bundles and features. It can be found on the "master" branch of my Git repo:
The current status is that some tests are failing simply because they apparently cannot work on a non QWERTY-native machine. It is the last point in the bug. I'd be glad if someone can simply check-out the branch and run "mvn clean install" on it, and confirm that all the tests are green for him.

I can say that this builder provides everything necessary to replace the current one ie a p2 repository. It is far easier to maintain, and more important, it is far easier to run a build locally. Moreover, Tycho is widely used in the Eclipse community, so that it is easy to get support when necessary, and there are already lots of useful stuff provided for Eclipse artifacts (such as signing).

Then the debate is: What do you think about SWTBot moving to Tycho ASAP ?


Mickael Istria
R&D Engineer, Eclipse Plug-in RCP Developer

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