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Re: [swordfish-dev] Registry problems?

Title: Re: [swordfish-dev] Registry problems?
Hi Terry,

I have a couple of questions as I was not able to reproduce this on my XP box:
  • Which version of Swordfish are you using?
  • How many and which run configurations do you use?
  • Could it be that you had two instances of SR running (one on port 9001 and one on 9091 as I might derive from your post) ?

Please send me your run configurations, the traces and the source.
I am a bit confused about the strange duplication of the “wsdl” in your registry URL.

Based on what you wrote (esp. the “Access denied” error), it could be that some other process disturbed your registry, so please try this:
  • make sure that no other java process is running and no other software is accessing your registry directory
  • clear the contents of your registry directory
  • configure your registry fileLocation in your provider run configuration
  • start the provider only
  • upload your wsdl and try accessing it with your web browser

Kind regards

On 1/10/10 02:38, "Terry Mullett" <terry.mullett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've just gotten started with Swordfish. Plenty exciting, and great work.

I seem to be having a problem getting a consumer to work with dynamic
endpoint, and it looks it may like a problem with the registry. Static
endpoint works just fine.

I have my registry (in both the target definition and the launch
configurations) as

When I upload the WSDL to the registry via the context menu, the WSDL file
gets put into that folder as expected. The console output looks like this:

Jan 9, 2010 7:19:39 PM org.eclipse.swordfish.registry.WSDLServlet doPut
INFO: Received PUT request:

Fine so far. Then I go to http://localhost:9091/registry/wsdl and see the
PortType and Service as expected. But if I click on those links, they go to
http://localhost:9001/registry/wsdl/wsdl/TestThis.wsdl (note, wsdl twice)
and of course there's nothing there.

So that's one problem, but there's more. When I start the provider, I see a
stack trace that begins with:

Jan 9, 2010 7:11:09 PM org.eclipse.swordfish.registry.FileBasedWSDLManager
WARNING: Unable to load file C:\users\terry\swordfish\repository\wsdl C:\users\terry\swordfish\repository\wsdl
(Access is denied)

So I'm not sure what the actual root cause is, but when I run the consumer
in its own launch config (registry bundle turned off on this one) I see

WARNING: Couldn't get an endpoint for the service:
Jan 9, 2010 7:27:05 PM
SEVERE: An exception occured while trying to resolve service name via
supplied wsdls
org.eclipse.swordfish.core.SwordfishException: Error resolving endpoint for
the interface + [{}TestThis] - no suitable
endpoints have been found

and this

Jan 9, 2010 7:27:05 PM org.apache.servicemix.nmr.core.ChannelImpl
WARNING: Error processing exchange [
  id:        4d1a12e2-f94d-4339-8f12-1b0e58c5a080
  mep:       InOut
  status:    Active
  role:      Consumer
TestThis, SERVICE_NAME={}TestThis_Service}]
  operation: {}NewOperation
  In: [

I'm not sure if the WSDL file is supposed to be in the repository or the
repository\wsdl folder. I copied it manually so it'd be in both; the links
worked in the repository web interface then but it didn't affect anything

Is any of this ringing a bell for anybody? I'm doing this stuff on Vista and
using java 1.6. I can attach full traces and source if it would be helpful.

Thanks much,

swordfish-dev mailing list

Jürgen Kindler

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