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[swordfish-dev] RE: BPEL Deployment into Swordfish Tooling discussion

Title: Re: BPEL Deployment into Swordfish Tooling discussion

Hi Anubhav,







Yuri Shamin
5/1, Melezha Str.,
Minsk, Belarus, 220000


office phone: +375 17 2620839
fax:              +375 17 2620247

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From: Anubhav Sharma
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 2:56 PM
To: Yuri Shamin
Cc: Dietmar Wolz; Jörg Drescher
Subject: Re: BPEL Deployment into Swordfish Tooling discussion


Hi Yuriy,

Jörg and Dietmar already spoke about it. Dietmar will support you guys in this.


On 5/27/09 1:48 PM, "Yuri Shamin" <yuri.shamin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Anubhav,
Alexey confirmed – algoritm described on wiki does not work. So, this is impediment for us.
Who can change docu on wiki? So, we will able to continue with BPEL deployment task.
Thanks in advance,

Yuri Shamin
5/1, Melezha Str.,
Minsk, Belarus, 220000

office phone: +375 17 2620839
fax:             +375 17 2620247
mobile:        +375 29 6887577

icq:     104436734
skype: yuri.shamin

From: swordfish-tooling-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:swordfish-tooling-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Renat Zubairov
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 12:57 PM
To: Swordfish Tooling Devlist; Dietmar Wolz; Jörg Drescher
Cc: Oliver Wolf; Anubhav Sharma
Subject: BPEL Deployment into Swordfish Tooling discussion

Hello all,

Here are the minutes after the BPEL Deployment discussion. Meeting attendees: Yuri, Diya, Renat, Jörg and Dietmar W.

We discussed simplified way to deploy the BPEL into Swordfish according to the description in the wiki:

Instead of implementing additional context menu we could simply start with creation of the OSGI project and drop/create BPEL/WSDL artefacts directly there (assuming the way it is described in wiki works).

A bit later we found out that algorithm described on the Swordfish wiki was new to Dietmar and he wasn’t sure wherever it will work at all because right now ODE integrated into Swordfish Runtime works in the “JBI mode” which means that deployment of the BPEL is done via JBI bundles and not OSGI bundles.

Following decisions/AP were made:

AP Alexey – follow up on the deployment scenario, ask responsible people who contributed the wiki documentation and check wherever it works.
AP Alexey – if described OSGI deployment scenario works then try simplified OSGI-based deployment scenario where no BPEL project created.
AP Yuri – if described OSGI scenario does not work raise the impediment and organize a discussion meeting.


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Anubhav Sharma

Tel.:    +49 228-182 190 79
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Anubhav.sharma@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:anubhav.sharma@xxxxxxxxxx>

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