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[swordfish-dev] Chat transcript 03/12/2008

Title: Chat transcript 03/12/2008
[START Transcript 03/12/2008]

Andrey Kopachevsky
@dietmar did you have time to look on this issues?
looks like bad commit again

Dietmar Wolz
did you install core.util into your local repository? All missing classes are defined there

Andrey Kopachevsky
one sec
i see 2 issues now
don't see dependency to core.utils inside core pom.xml
root pom.xml seems contains only old projects

Dietmar Wolz
next we should try to run the integration tests and fix eventual bugs. I suggest you test core +  event, I will check the planner. We probably need some integration tests for configuration, perhaps you could start before volodymyr is back?

Andrey Kopachevsky
as I know we have configuration test, I'll check source codes

Dietmar Wolz
will fix the 2 issues you mentioned, for me its unclear why core compiles here

Andrey Kopachevsky
or, it just unit tests
not integration

Dietmar Wolz
no integration tests, only local tests

Andrey Kopachevsky

Dietmar Wolz
maybe it works here because planner has the dependency on util, but I will add a direct dependency

Andrey Kopachevsky

Dietmar Wolz
2 issues you mentioned are fixed now

Andrey Kopachevsky
ok, updating
org.eclipse.swordfish.samples.configurationconsumer not refactored according latest changes
some minor fixes need

Dietmar Wolz
can you check in stuff now? Then you could fix the samples

Andrey Kopachevsky
can we groop all test project under one parent pom?
like we have one parent pom for samples, endpoints
it this case will be easier to execute all integration tests in one time
and also we move similar code from test pom.xml files

Dietmar Wolz
we could even put in int the master pom - after we reach a state where they are working

Andrey Kopachevsky
yes, I'm talking about master pom
in final state all project should be added in master either

Dietmar Wolz
"final" should be today, after we fixed the problems

Andrey Kopachevsky

Dietmar Wolz
could you please check in your new version of the compatibilty.smx3 project, cannot compile event.test because of a missing jar

Andrey Kopachevsky
it should work with old version also
I'l check
can we try to make it works with old version for now?

Dietmar Wolz
may be the poms of the test projects needs to be checked, there may be missing and also uneccesary dependencies, could you pleas check this - and check in necessary changes
we can use the old version of compatibilty.smx3 if we can compile everything with it

Andrey Kopachevsky
new version of compatibility.smx3 it is old verstion with removed needles jars, so I will work

Dietmar Wolz
why is a dependency from event.test to compatibility.smx3? May be this is not necessary?

Andrey Kopachevsky
@dietmar could we start from core.test project?
it has bigger issues I think

Dietmar Wolz

Andrey Kopachevsky
as I see you also leave all planner and event packages in this project

Dietmar Wolz
the planner integration test was moved to the planner test project, wasn't shure about the others. Forgot to remove the event integration test from core test. My intention is to have the integration tests in the speceific packages and common testing stuff in core.test. What do you think, what should be moved where?
Should we remove the event / planner / configuration packages completely from core.test?

Andrey Kopachevsky
yes, as long we created separated projects for this stuff
also core test have own test case

Dietmar Wolz
ok, I will move the packages and check in the changes, could you please check the pom for unnecessary dependencies. If there are some pleas put fixed poms to my exchange

Andrey Kopachevsky
yes, but there are some classes in org.eclipse.swordfish.core.test.planner that we should leave in core.test project
TargetPlatformOsgiTestCase - test case Volodimir created as base for all our integration tests
and SwordfishCoreIntegrationTest - test for testing core functionality
we should place it in other package and share to other osgi test bundles

Dietmar Wolz
move them to package core.test in core.test project, ok?

Andrey Kopachevsky

Dietmar Wolz
refactoring of core.test complete and checked in, please check
there are some issues regarding type parameters in volodymyrs test in core.test. I would expect a concrete configuration type in the tests which is missing. What do you think?

Andrey Kopachevsky
one min
you talking about public static final String TARGET_PLATFORM_SYS_PORPERTY = "swordfishTargetPlatform"; in the TargetPlatformOsgiTestCase?
it not quite clear about "type parameters"

Dietmar Wolz
configurations are stored in maps Map<String,T> with T as the type parameter of the concrete configurations. T should be instantiated for reasonable tests

Andrey Kopachevsky
I don't sure also what parameter type more appropriate there

Dietmar Wolz
For tests Map or Properties could be used

Andrey Kopachevsky
just set it to generic Map, I'll check it when be able to run example
I also saw this problem

Dietmar Wolz
moved some packeges in core.test from test to main, because otherwise planner.test cannot resolve dependencies, already checked in

Andrey Kopachevsky
to be able run tests you need update bundles project tests
add there new bundles
@dietmar is it ok, that ConfigurationConsumerRegistry steel initializing in core project spring dm?
the same for event handler registry
they placed in core project, swordfish-registries.xml
so do we have some strategy here? shoud we move initialization to configuration and event projects?

Dietmar Wolz
yes, initialization should be moved

Andrey Kopachevsky
@dietmar Why do we need another one Registry<T> class inside org.eclipse.swordfish.core.planner.api?

Dietmar Wolz
removed a dependency to smx3 in core.event. Don't know why it was there. So please update your core.event pom
removed also the dep to smx3 in core.util - and "fixed" thereby ServiceMixSupport. We need to find a working solution without this  dependency


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