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[swordfish-dev] Chat transcript 12/11/2008

Title: Chat transcript 12/11/2008
[START Transcript 12/11/2008]

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
A good idea. I agree
interface PollableConfigurationSource<T> {
      Map<String,T> getConfigurations();
      Map getProperties();

Dietmar Wolz
Another issue: do we need to use ManagedServiceFactorys? They can be used to configure multiple instances of the same service. This is uncommon in our scenario, so it seems not necessary to support this concept in Swordfish, but maybe someone else can envision its use in Swordfish? Maybe we can defer this until we really see an application needing the concept.

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
I would say we need to defer it
Must admit that Andrey is working on a very serious problem related to the and javax.xml.bind classloading. ,

Guillaume Nodet
is that the same as what we've done in servicemix ?
we've done that months ago:
in a better way imho (the api does not add any public class and does not need any extra steps on the client bundle
also, the implementation can be swapped if needed
so the bundle using the stax api does not know anything about the implementation

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
Thanks Guillaume, we will try this solution

Guillaume Nodet
we haven't done jpa though, but we can do it quite easily

Oliver Wolf
ok, then i would just have to file CQs for these additional bundles... the ones in the eclipse orbit are just plain old-style-JARs converted into bundles without any changes to the factory mechanism
BTW, nice to see you here, Guillaume

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
the solution proposed by Guillaume works in our case.
But regretfully, we need the stax-api library with version 1.0.1. SMX guys did only 1.0. Besides still there is a classcast problem (com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl) inside the cxf bundle

Andrey Kopachevsky
I would propose for the time been to user 2 extension bundles I've just created to fix jaxb and jaxp implementation lookup problem (at least it works now without exceptions), and later definitely make scene to proceed with Guillaume's solution adaptation, other vise I could start with adaptation right now

Guillaume Nodet
what's the difference between stax 1.0 and 1.0.1 ?
i don't think there is any public api changes
it was only about fixing the discovery mechanism, which is bypassed when using osgi anyway
from the web site: 13-Mar-2006: Stax API 1.0.1 maintenance release: fixes one critical implementation problem in XMLInputFactory implementation detection ( that existed but missed stax impl entry threw NullPointerException). No changes to API or javadocs.

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
Probably there is no difference, but other bundles that we download from public maven repos are dependent on this particular version

Guillaume Nodet
you could exclude the unneeded versions though ...

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
Don't know if I understood you correctly, do u propose to modify MANIFEST files inside that bundles?
we will try to find bundles that do not rely on that version but it will take time and efforts

Guillaume Nodet
oh, you mean they import the osgi package with a 1.0.1 version ?

Volodymyr Zhabiuk

Guillaume Nodet
well, we could have a 1.0.1 stax api in smx if that can help

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
Maybe at first we will try to replace that bundles. If we would fail we will ask you to add the 1.0.1 stax api. Thanks
@Oliver: It would be great to set up the continous integration and snapshot repository for the Swordfish. Could we engage someone from the sopera team to do it?

Dietmar Wolz
i put the initial configuration and event handling ppts to our svn under, please commit changes there. As soon as Volodymyr is commiter (should happen this week) we plan to switch to to enable public access

Volodymyr Zhabiuk
What about Andrey?

Andrey Kopachevsky
I've created account on eclipse bugzilla

Dietmar Wolz
Oliver will initiate Andreys commiter election soon. In between we have to find a solution - maybe Andrey sends stuff to you, Volodymyr and you check it in?

Volodymyr Zhabiuk

Andrey Kopachevsky


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