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[stp-dev] STP Toolbox : useful helpers for SOA needs

Hi all

At the last SCOrWare meeting, we've discovered that several people were developing similar things for similar SOA needs, and wondered if we could work together on such SOA helpers in a more generic manner, which would logically go in STP ("Toolbox" subproject ?). As promised, I'm writing this mail about it.

The first identified need is about generating java from wsdl.

Here are the known use cases.
* Mickaƫl Istria in JWT4SOA / Scarbo does it using CXF at devtime to allow a process engine to call (web, rmi, sca...) services in a java world using the Frascati SCA service platform. * Mohammed El Jai in PEtALS does it (at runtime ?) using CXF to bridge the Frascati java and the JBI XML ESB worlds
  * errr... who's the third, Vincent, Valerio or Damien ??

It's useful do create services in the "wsdl first" manner, call them in an eclipse tool or in a runtime engine. Potential needs and issues are : * what to generate ? generating only beans, or also service artifacts (client, server stub, deployment configuration) * what generation technology to use (web services wsdl2java : CXF, Axis2 ; beans only : XMLBeans...), what configuration, what standards (JAXWS, JAXB or not) ?
  * Making these technologies and configuration pluggable ?
* making them compatible (ex. using CXF we'll get JAXB beans, so how to build them starting from mere POJOs that the WSDL was generated from first). Something that could be useful is dozer ( ) which does bean mapping and supports pojo, jaxb, xmlbeans...
  * classloading problems : avoiding conflicting (not) generated classes...
  * some use it in eclipse, some in a runtime platform
* allowing a degraded behaviour for XML serialization technologies (XStream) ?

Next step :
* could anyone (Vincent ?) create a Wiki page in the STP Wiki at the right place so we can contribute there ? * could you SCOrWare guys describe your needs and issues better than I did ?
  * There should be things already in WTP, do you know about them ?
* what do other people think about a shared "STP Toolbox" and of the wsdl2java need ?

Marc Dutoo
Open Wide

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