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[stp-dev] BPMN Modeler - Task that are throwing errors??

Hi All,

As you know is it possible ( with the current version of the modeler ) to model the fact that a task could "throw an exception" and then attach to this event the fact that the exception raise a compensation exception handling flow???

I found that there are a set of event for modeling errors, but i really don't know how to use.

I've found on the network that bpmn support the concept of a task throwing errors putting an error event in the task element.

Is that supported by the modeler??

Andrea Zoppello

*Andrea Zoppello*

Spagic Architect

Research & Innovation Division
*Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padova - Italy
Phone:  +39-049.8692511    Fax:+39-049.8692566

*          *

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