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Re: [stp-dev] Discussion on policy support in STP

Some more details:

The ISchemaRegistry assumes PolicyTemplates to be XML Schemas, where each policy template is identified by its namespace. The XML Schema is used to define the form of the actual policy content, but can also contain other such as Display Name, Documentation, Short Description & Category. For Documentation the standard <xs:documentation> annotation is used, for the other metadata new annotations were defined, see here:

There seems to be quite a bit of overlap between the metadata that the policy editor currently reads from the XML Schema and the requirements in

The following page contains quite a number of example XML-Schemas and also example Policy instances that could be created from them.

Additionally, the ISchemaProvider can use pieces of XML (non-Schema) as a template for a policy. This is to provider blueprints instead of XML Schema. This is called a Snippet in this interface, in case you're wondering. The purpose for the snippets is to allow an end user to define a Template based on existing XML-Schema based template(s) with a number of values filled in, which could then be registered with the Policy Registry and reused as if it was a policy later. This is a convenience mechanism which allows the user to define things like 'My Company's Security Policy' which would internally contain a number of other policies with certain values filled in...



David Bosschaert wrote:
Johnson Ma wrote:
Gerald Preissler wrote:

Do you propose to actually add a Policy Registry to STP or do you want to provide the interface definition that an actual registry has to conform to?

Yes, i was thinking about adding a policy template registry to stp.
Then, policy developers can create policy template and add to the registry.
FYI, the XEF-based policy editor already contains an interface (and a simple implementation) of a Policy Template Registry. It's org.eclipse.stp.xef.ISchemaProvider in the org.eclipse.stp.xef plugin. The idea behind this interface is that it could be backed by anything. A simple URLSchemaProvider is part of the STP code, but one could also implement this over another system, e.g. a database backend...




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