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Re: [stp-dev] JAX-WS Introspection Support for STP (also ask for help)

Thanks Oisin. I'll keep aware of the SCA spec changes while continue working the current out. I think looking at the test code you mentioned is the best way so far, only I need more patience to go deeper into it. :)


Oisin Hurley wrote:
Hi Howard,

Howard Gao wrote:
I've started working on the JAX-WS introspection support. Please see the following link for my sketch design.

Any comments are welcomed.

Just on point (3) - the JAX-WS osoa paper is fairly light and there will
most likely be more work put into that in future, but it's a reasonable
starting point to thrash out some ideas about how the introspection can
start working. It will serve as a good way to learn how the core framework functions too.

One word of warning, though - the SCA assembly specification, which
defines the model for components etc, has moved on to a later version
than what we have implemented in the core. At some point we will have
to level up to the current version!

Of course, we'll have to develop a much deeper level of knowledge
of how the current implementation works first.

I also have difficulties understanding the Introspection framework, especially after I have written a trial introspector, I never have had my introspector being called. Can someone give me some information on where to find more resources on that?

No doubt you have already looked at
which has some information - also in the tests for the core is a
a trivial PropertiesComponentTypeIntrospector that will build a model
from a set of properties in a properties file. If you debug through
this it should give a stronger insight into how the model operates.

There's always this list too - the authors are here :)


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