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[stp-dev] Skeleton outline for Service Creation subproject

Hi all,
To get some discussion started on the SC subproject, I've attached
a picture of how I see the deliverables being structured as a strawman.

There's a couple of ways to get a service together - you can pull
in existing implementations and infer how it is going to appear
from those, or you can start with a clear slate and construct the
appearance, then create the implementation starting point from that.

I think we will need to support both these approaches, and the way
to do it is to define a core model of a service contract then
enable a diversity of contributers to the contract. You can easily
see how one could construct a contributer that would introspect
Java classes to extract JAXWS annotations and supply the contract
details from that, or how you could write a WSDL parser that would
populate the contract.

Another capability we will need in the model is a means to detect
changes and notify interested parties and a way to visit it. The
sketch below I hope indicates the capabilities we need - ignore
the contract source part, I can't remember why it is there :)

I think our first order of the day is to get this contract model
sorted out. I personally would be a fan of making an EMF model
of the details and growing that as we need to. There are other
options of course, like taking on something like JWSDL or
similar that can provide a purposed, specific model.

Your input is sought! If we can have a round of this on the mailing
list and can reach some consensus, I'll put the results up on the
web site.


Attachment: stp-service-creation-skeleton.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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