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[stem-dev] issues with RC4


I noticed the following issues when testing RC4:
- after creating a new project and then dragging a scenario from the
scenario repository into the scenario project folder -> then double
click to open the editor view of the scenario -> then click on the top
level scenario within the editor will result in a java.
lang.NullPointerException ('see log1 and log2-files)

- it is now possible to drag a scenario from the repository into the
"Models" folder or a model from the repository into the "Scenarios"
folder - this should be prohibited.

- when a model is opened in the editor view (Designer perspective) and
one drags a graph from within the editor model window to the
"Graphs"-folder of the Project Explorer - then the whole model is copied
into the Graphs folder there. This model in the Graphs-folder can then
be used without any problems, but the point is, that I actually wanted
to copy a graph and not the complete model - beside the fact that a
model should not show up in the graph folder. 

- when opening a model from the editor window of an opened model with
the new "Display canonical graph"-option it seems that there are a lot
of new graph-files suddenly showing up in the editor view. It looks like
copies from the graph-files of the lower model hierarchy-level. After
closing the editor window and reopening the model these files are gone.

- Changes to the labels within the Canonical graph view window seem to
have no effect.

- Two feature requests for the next release of the Canonical graph
viewer: a zooming functionality and the rearrangement of the fields on
the bottom of the viewer: suggestion- move all to the left boundary, so
that it is possible to work with small notebook monitors.



Attachment: log1.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: log2.log
Description: Binary data

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