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[stellation-res] TClient issues

Annie and Mark have both reported problems using the current TClient. See #66680 for details. The basic symptom is that the TClient (and Eclipse) hangs while trying to access a remote repository.

Per discussion with Mark, the problem is likely occuring in the core code (a
"wait(timeout) method is not returning as expected when the timeout
expires).  I believe Mark is looking into that issue.  For my part -- it may
(should) be possible to modify the TClient code to force cancellation of a
pending client-server transaction when the Cancel button is pressed.

I've confirmed that these problems occur when trying to connect to an
inactive repository.  As mentioned some time back, the "stellhost"
repository has been retired. The currently-active repository is named
"stellwvcm".  The server name remains

I've confirmed that "Test" and "View Contents" work as expected when
connecting to "stellwvcm" on "", with a valid
username,password.  (I set up "stellwvcm" with the usernames and passwords
from "stellhost").

Please try again using "stellwvcm", and advise if further problems occur.

- Jim

Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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