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Re: [stellation-res] Architectural question/request for opinions

I have posted a follow-up on this issue:

Please post any comments on the wiki.  Thanks!


Mark C Chu-Carroll/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: stellation-res-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/01/2004 10:14 AM
Please respond to stellation-res

        To:        stellation-res@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [stellation-res] Architectural question/request for opinions

As I've mentioned before, I'm working on the new WVCM backend for Stellation.  In order to try to avoid some of the grief we've had with changes to the current system breaking things in subtle ways, and also just because I think it's the right approach, I'm being *much* more aggressive about implementing detailed fine-grained unit tests for all of the backend components.

This has led me to one interesting, but somewhat odd problem. There are two kinds of things that really happen it the backend: making JDBC calls to store or retrieve data to/from the database; and in-memory data structure manipulation in order to translate the data from the Stellation SCM abstractions to and from the raw database data.

I'd like to be able to test these two aspects separately. The approach that I'm looking at is based on mock objects - creating a pure memory based standin for the database access, and using that to test the database.

The catch is that the way Stellation currently accesses databases is not particularly friendly to this kind of approach. Stellation generates SQL strings, and sends them through JDBC, and gets back JDBC result sets. To write the a really effective mock object for that would be extremely difficult.

I've got an idea for how to handle it, but frankly, I'm having trouble deciding if it's a good approach, or a dumb one. So I'd like to hear what you folks think.

I've put a copy of this up on the wiki at; if you can easily access the wiki, I'd prefer it if you posted comments there; but if accessing the wiki is a problem, go ahead and post to the mailing list, and I'll copy them to the wiki.

So here's the questionable approach.

We create a new interface in the backend called IStorage. IStorage has one method for each SQL statement that Stellation uses. Instead of calling JDBC directly, we call the IStorage method for the particular SQL statement we want to execute. IStorage methods will take parameters for values that need to be inserted into SQL calls, and will return query results  translated from ResultSet's into Lists of object arrays.

By doing this, we make it really easy to implement a mock for the database interface; and we also add a bit of extra abstraction that could make it easier to map Stellation to an object database, or to a non-SQL database. On the other hand, it seems to me to be sort of ugly and heavy-handed.

So what do you all think?


Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM Research
*** Work: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Home: markcc@xxxxxxx

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