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Re: [stellation-res] A minor proposed reorganization

On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 10:37:48PM -0500, Jonathan Gossage wrote:
> > >For those of us who are Eclipsians, this kind of thing is no big deal;
> > >in fact, Eclipse was intended to do things this way, and so this kind of
> > >subdivision often makes it easier to work with a project in Eclipse. My
> > >once concern is that we do have at least two people (Dave and Florin)
> > >who are working, at least part time, without eclipse, using standard
> > >command line tools. In you're working outside Eclipse, then dealing
> > >with code separated this way can be painful.

> The last time I worked with command line tools on a large scale was in my
> QNX days in the mid-eighties so I guess that I may have forgotten the
> problems. Out of curiousity, are they working this way by choice or
> necessity? Because I am interested in tool development, I like to understand
> why different environments are chosen.

By necessity. For instance, I have (most of) my $HOME under revision
control. I won't start Eclipse to checkin a file or do a diff. Not
until it starts and stops as fast as vim. Also one of my machines is a
PIII/256MB laptop. Eclipse eats my battery in one hour.

But don't mind me right now...



"If it's not broken, let's fix it till it is."

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