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Re: [stellation-res] Stellation Downloads through Technology PMC Downloads...


Thanks for the heads-up.

I'll try to get the out-of-date "downloads" link you mentioned fixed, but I
don't have commit access to that page, and will have to find out who does.
The good news here is that, once the link is changed to our
downloads/index.html page, we can then make any future changes directly (duh).

Sorry about your name -- I'd hate to be truncated like that myself
(Jim Wri ?  Wrig?  riiiiiiiiiiiight).  The same story applies here -- I don't
have commit access to that page, but will find out who does if I can.

- Jim

At 02:04 AM 12/6/2002, DeSmet_Ringo@xxxxxxx wrote:

If you want to go to the Stellation downloads page, and you follow the path
through the website as below, you only get the stellation-0.1.tgz file and
not the Stellation downloads page:

- Open
- Click on "downloads" in the menu at the left
- In the second paragraph, the links for the Tools PMC and the Technology
PMC download pages are listed. Click the Technology PMC downloads link.
- On that page, you see the table with the Technology subprojects. If you
click the "downloads" link of Stellation, it is the stellation-0.1.tgz file
that is retrieved rather than the downloads HTML page.

Can someone update this?

BTW, if you look at the committers page, my name is listed as "Ringo De". My
full last name is "De Smet", so that should be "Ringo De Smet". I hope this
can also be updated.

stellation-res mailing list

Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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