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RE: [stellation-res] Text merge test case: an analysis update

I'm doing detailed analysis of the tests... I'll send mail
as I'm connected to the network and I have data.

First: there were a couple of tests in the current checkin
that come up as failures because the test labels
say that they don't conflict, but they actually do... 
That's trivial, but the results are correct. Eliminating
that, with my current code, I continue to see failures in:
13, 14, 16, 18, 19, and 21.

13 and 14 are NoSuchElement exceptions, which I have not
yet had time to track. I'm not sure what's going on there;
I'm doing analysis of the other cases first, and then I'll
try and go take care of the code changes after I understand
some more of what's going on. (Jonathan, are these tests
generate NSEs for you, or are they running to completion?
If they run for you, it means the error is in my latest

I've done a detailed analysis of test16, and concluded
that it's doing the right thing, but the predicted results
in the test file are wrong. Here's what the test
file has for 16:

# Tests for conflicts in first and last lines  
# Base sequence     Delta Sequence    Target Sequence   Expected
  abc               xyz               abc               abc  
  abc               abc               abc               abc
  abc               abc               abc               abc
  xyz               abc               abc               abc
  abc               abc               abc               abc
  abc               abc               abc               abc
  abc               abc               xyz               xyz

To the stellation merge algorithm, what's going on here is:
both delta and target deleted the xyz in the fourth line of
base; delta inserted xyz in the first position, and target
inserted xyz in the last. The correct result is thus:

This is what my current code generates. So test 16 works
in the version of the system that I'm running.

We're about to leave to take my daughter to see her
grandparents; I'll be working from there, but will have
no network access. Expect more updates this evening.


Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------- Personal Email: markcc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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