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Re: [stellation-res] Easier setup in Eclipse: here it is.

Hello Jim,

 --- Jim Wright - IBM Research <jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> In R1.0, a copy of the swt win32 jar was kept in a fixed location for
> use 
> in buildtime classpaths.  I don't know what the R2 solution is.
> Any ideas?

Here is the answer to our problem. It is the response on my message I
posted on the Eclipse newsgroup (

"Martin Aeschlimann" <Martin_Aeschlimann@xxxxxxx> wrote in message
> Use the plugin importer (Import > External Plug-Ins...') to import
> 'org.eclipse.swt' and 'org.eclipse.swt.yourPlatform' to your
> workspace as binary plugins. The plugin importer will configure the
> classpath of 'org.eclipse.swt' depending on the platform specified
> on the first page of the import wizard.
> Your project then simply has to reference the org.eclipse.swt plugin.

I have followed this procedure and it worked flawlessly for me. In the
.classpath file of the org.eclipse.stellation.scm.ui plugin, the SWT
entry now reads:

    <classpathentry kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.swt"/>

I think we will have to do the same for the workbench, as there is a
platform specific reference in the classpath entry too.

Send you OTI colleaque some chocolates. :)


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