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Re: [stellation-res] setting up stellation with DB2

On Wednesday 17 July 2002 12:08 pm, David McMillan wrote:
> Will Stellation work with DB/2 as a back-end?  

In the current system, the DB2 back-end only works if you're
using the system in non-server mode. 

There are two ways to access a Stellation repos: local
database access, and through a server. If you're using
local access mode, then you can use the location
string "db2:db2inst1:db2pass" to access a Stellation repository
in stored in DB2. 

To access remote, we haven't put a back-end selection mechanism
into the server code yet. 

The DB2 code was written by Dave Shields at the same time that
I was working on the remote access/server code. Since, at the time,
the postgres backend was the only one we had, and we hadn't
yet finalized the location specification mechanism, 
I wrote the server to work with postgres. Then Dave encountered
a bunch of administrative issues that caused problems with the
DB2 implementation, and that got shifted to the back burner, until
we could draft a DB2 expert to give us a hand with it. (No one
from DB2 has thus far been willing to take the time to work
an this with us.) So the code to support multiple access point types in the 
server never got written, because we only had one fully-functioning
database back-end.

I'd apprectiate it if you could put this into Bugzilla as a feature
request, and as soon as I possibly can, I'll get into the server
code and put in support for database back-end selection
by location spec, exactly as it now works for local-access

		When I
> go looked at ...
> eclipse/stellation/repos/messaging/server/
> I see on line 42:
> _ap = new PostgresAccessPoint(dbsrc);
> I changed this to:
> _ap = new DB2AccessPoint(dbsrc);
> then added an import line for the DB2AccessPoint class
> and then had to modify DB2AccessPoint to use String instead of StringList
> Did I miss something in the installation instuctions?
> I never found the correct point to use "--access db2:db2inst1:db2pass"
> I assume that the StringList argument for DB2AccessPoint was to be used
> for this.

I'm afraid that I'll have to defer to Dave for details on
this question. The --access parameter, I think, is an anachronism;
I think it's now the --location parameter, and I think that currently,
the location parameter is used only for local database access to
a repository.


Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------- Personal Email: markcc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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