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[stellation-res] Change checkins

I made a major checkin over the weekend. First, it contains a bunch
of fixes for problems that we discovered last week, chiefly the directory
delete bug.

Second, it sets up the mirrorring of the repository between the
internal Stellation server that the IBM gang is using, and the
external Eclipse CVS server. As a result, the apparent set of changes
that you'll see from doing a cvs update will be quite a bit larger
that the actual change set. (Nearly every file will claim to be changed, 
but in fact only about a dozen of them actually have any differences.)

For the IBM folk: the Stellation server is running on SVC, and is
now fixed. I opted for a simple fix, rather than trying to do anything
more elaborate. The only affect of doing it the simple way is this: you
can't check out version main@@1 and then merge in later changes.
Checking out main@@2 or anything after it works fine with all merges.
Since there are no forks into other branches, there should be no need
to do merges from main@@1 anyway.



Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------- Personal Email: markcc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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