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[stellation-res] Re: [stellation] Check in to CVS Repository; Complete Stellation Javadoc created.

From now on, things like this should really go to the public Stellation
mailing list.

On Monday 08 July 2002 11:48 am, Jim Wright - IBM Research wrote:
> I've checked in Javadoc-related updates for the Model and UI Plugins.
> (but only into CVS - Mark, do you want us to also check changes into PRCS?)

No. PRCS is dead for us. I'm going to set up a Stellation server for us
this afternoon, and I'll take care of reconciling changes between the
Watson Stellation server and the Eclipse PRCS server.

> I've also created Javadoc for the entire project (Core and the Model and UI
> Plugins).
> This provides useful crossreferencing (which I couldn't figure out how to
> do in Eclipse yet; by default, Javadoc is generated for a single project at
> a time.

Well, we've got ant, which has a target for doing that. So we should just
put it there. You can run the ant target from inside of Eclipse.

> I'll be happy to check my generated Javadoc into CVS, if this seems like a
> good idea.
> If so - Mark, where would you like the Javadoc to be located on the web
> site? 

Dave was asking about that this morning. It's probably a good idea to
do that. We should put a Javadoc directory under the top-level docs dir,
and add a link to it from the docs/index.html. 


Mark Craig Chu-Carroll,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center  
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ------- Personal Email: markcc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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