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Re: [soa-pmc] About BPMN2 Metamodel

Yep, saw those...unfortunately the MDT update site doesn't include the bpmn2 plugins. That's what I've been trying to push ;)

I'd like to begin a discussion of the BPMN2 metamodel project at our next conference call. The project appears to have stagnated so I would like to find out:

* who is maintaining it?
* what is the current status?
* are there any plans to commit contributed patches?
* when can we expect the project to have regular (hudson?) builds and an update site?

Did you have a look at this:
* /

Seems like there is still some activity, maybe asking them on the mailing-list with use-cases from the BPMN2 editor will give it a boost.


Mickael Istria
R&D Engineer, Eclipse Plug-in RCP Developer

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