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[soa-iwg] Minutes of the SOA Initiative weekly update - February 24, 2010

Title: Minutes of the SOA Initiative weekly update - January 27, 2010

Please note to the group any errors or omissions in these minutes.



 Oliver Wolf, Sopera

 Zsolt Beothy-Elo, Sopera
 Scott Lewis, Independent (first 15 minutes)

 Antonio Majori, Engineering IT

 Andrea Zoppello, Engineering IT

 Stephane Drapeau, Obeo

 Falko Riemenschneider, Itemis

 Donald Smith, Eclipse Foundation



 Ricco Deutscher, Sopera



-          Level of integration required to include ECF in the IWG package is still to be debated.  There is agreement that the ECF code has value and is not feature overlapped with any other part of the IWG package.  Let’s discuss the potential integrations and requirements to be included in the package.

o   Concern is that Eclipse has had bundles (STP) in the past were there was 0 integration and it presented a confusing set of options to users.

o   On the other hand, if the code is of value and something many users will require anyways – should it be included?

-          Engineering noted (after scott had to drop off) that the ebpm is using ECF, in particular the distributed event updater – so this may be another path for ecf inclusion.  Engineering stated they have been in touch with Scott about what else they can be doing.

-          Engineering and Sopera are working on the integration points with BPM (and perhaps some other resources such as a BAM component, etc) for inclusion into the road map – will be sent to group for review, others are welcome to join the conversation if they wish.

-          Ricco needs to provide an update on his conversation (if they happened) with Spring Source.



-          Don




Da: soa-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:soa-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Per conto di Donald Smith
Inviato: mercoledì 10 febbraio 2010 19.27
A: 'SOA Industry Working Group'
Oggetto: RE: [soa-iwg] Minutes of the SOA Initiative weekly update - February10, 2010

Ricco Deutscher, Sopera
Stephane Drapeau, Obeo

Zsolt Beothy-Elo, Sopera
Scott Lewis, Independent



Falko Riemenschneider, Itemis

Agenda Items

·         Donald needs to invite Engineering to the weekly meetings (apologies for doing so late this week)

·         Given the number of European participants in this group, we agreed to move the call to 11am Eastern, 18:00 CET on Wednesdays.

·         Discussion of possible use of Virgo in the EclipseSOA – Don to setup conversation with Virgo participants.

·         Update of the Road Map Plan, 2 main changes:

o   1 - Integration with ECF

o   2 - Discussion with Engineering, BPM project

o   Ideally will have update before EclipseCon, and will use feedback from Oilver/Scott conversation for ECF, and for Engineering conversation with BPM.

·         Technical discussion between Oliver and Scott – within the next week hopefully,

o   If there are code changes required for being included in the SOA package, they need to happen well before EclipseCon because of code changes.

·         Project proposal from Itemis MTF – project was created

o   Modeling Team Framework

o   Ricco had follow-up with SoftwareAG on this project, they are not ready to decide.


-          Don




From: soa-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:soa-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ricco Deutscher
Sent: January 27, 2010 1:24 PM
To: SOA Industry Working Group
Subject: [soa-iwg] Minutes of the SOA Initiative weekly update - January 27, 2010


Ricco Deutscher, Sopera
Falko Riemenschneider, Itemis
Stephane Drapeau, Obeo


  • Ricco discussed the need for the media launch of the SOA IWG for which more members are required. He will ask Don in the next call about the status of talks with other members.
  • Stephane asked about an update of the roadmap. Ricco promised that SOPERA will provide a 1st draft within the next 2 weeks.
  • Stephane outlined Obeo’s intention to develop a new SCA to OSGi/Spring transformation as part of the SCA Tools project
  • Falks told about the news that the Modeling Team Framework project proposal has been approved

We hope that Don is available in the next call :-)


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