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Re: [soa-iwg] Minutes of the SOA Initiative weekly update - January 27, 2010

It's amazing to me that nothing has been mentioned in the meetings/notes about my distribute the *only* OSGi 4.2 standard compliant implementation of remote services as part of the SOA runtime package.

In my view this makes a mockery of any pretense for this being an 'open' working group. What a total joke.


Ricco Deutscher wrote:
Ricco Deutscher, Sopera
Falko Riemenschneider, Itemis
Stephane Drapeau, Obeo


    * Ricco discussed the need for the media launch of the SOA IWG for
      which more members are required. He will ask Don in the next
      call about the status of talks with other members.
    * Stephane asked about an update of the roadmap. Ricco promised
      that SOPERA will provide a 1st draft within the next 2 weeks.
    * Stephane outlined Obeo’s intention to develop a new SCA to
      OSGi/Spring transformation as part of the SCA Tools project
    * Falks told about the news that the Modeling Team Framework
      project proposal has been approved

We hope that Don is available in the next call :-)


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