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Re: [soa-iwg] ECF remote services

Title: Re: [soa-iwg] ECF remote services
Hi Scott,

>I would consider that a distinction without a relevant difference

I disagree. The integration of tooling and runtime was a fundamental guideline from the very beginning of this group. The Eclipse SOA charter ( says explicitly:

In order to provide incentives to A) form a coherent and integrated SOA platform, and B) to promote adoption, there will be a set of criteria ... This set of criteria will cover as well for the tooling and as well for the runtime. The fulfilment of either tooling only or runtime only will be not sufficient ....


Am 12.01.10 23:17 schrieb "Scott Lewis" unter <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:


Donald Smith wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> The difference being that Virgo is a project, but the inclusions being
> discussed here are for the IWG Package.
> That is not a statement of disagreement to your recommendations for
> inclusions -- just pointing out the difference so we can focus the
> discussion.

I would consider that a distinction without a relevant difference (IWG
packages and projects).

Why?  Because

1) projects are the entities that actually produce sw for inclusion in
packages...i.e. IWG doesn't produce any sw for distribution via
packages...they only decide what's included in packages from relevant
projects (in this other cases EPP package contents are decided
in other, arguably even more mysterious ways).
2) projects have to focus in certain areas (runtime, tooling,
etc)...i.e. some things should/must be out of scope (that's only reasonable)
3) cooperation with/dependence on other projects (rather than vertical
project silos) is a good, even necessary thing...for the community and
for the projects

So sure, there's a definitional difference between 'IWG packages' and
'projects'...but WRT these points about sw creation and distribution by
*projects*, it's not a meaningful difference.


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