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RE: [smila-dev] SMILA Crawling mySQL DB


This sound all rather strange. Can you tell me which version/revision of smila you are running?

And also the whole crawler file would be helpful.

If there is isn't some simple solution to this then I also think that opening a bug for this and moving the discussion there will be more fruitful.

If I have the time today I'd like to resolve the issue posted below, to get finally rid of it but I cant promise that.

Thomas Menzel @ IT-Solutions GmbH

-----Original Message-----
From: smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kerstin Bach
Sent: Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010 16:03
To: smila-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [smila-dev] SMILA Crawling mySQL DB

Hi Thomas,

thanks for your fast reply!

We're still struggling, because it still seems that our changes did not 
apply. We changed the 
file and of course we added a corresponding jdbc.xml and named the 
DataSourceID 'jdbc' in 

Further we have deleted the workspace and restarted SMILA. We still get 
the same error along with the following message in the SMILA.log:
2010-02-18 15:57:07,890 ERROR [RMI TCP Connection(8)- 
     ]  framework.CrawlerControllerAgentBase          - 
org.eclipse.smila.connectivity.ConnectivityException: Error loading 
DataSource with DataSourceId 'jdbc'

Any ideas what might help to get the crawler started?


On 17.02.2010 09:15, Thomas Menzel wrote:
> ... and I was mistaken...
> Checking the regex against the con-string I noticed that the "/forum" part isn't covered.
> Anyhow, as I said, just change the attribute def. like so in the XSD:
> 		...
>                <xs:complexType>
>                  <xs:attribute name="Connection" use="required" type="xs:normalizedString" />
> 			...
> The patterns were initially thought as a safety measure using XML/XSD to validate the correct format of the connection string - nothing else. The JDBC crawler just takes the value as is from the attribute.
> What puzzles me though, is that your pattern isn't included in the list of the SAX Exception!
> What XSD did you change?
> And did you do a restart?
> Note, that all Crawler Schemas are registered on startup and on install as far as I can tell.
> Thomas Menzel @ IT-Solutions GmbH
> -----Original Message-----
> From: smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thomas Menzel
> Sent: Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010 08:41
> To: Smila project developer mailing list
> Subject: RE: [smila-dev] SMILA Crawling mySQL DB
> Hi Kerstin,
> If I'm not mistaken, then your restriction pattern doesn't include the port part(:3306) of the connection string you have spec'ed.
> If that is the default port for mySQL then you might be able to just omit it in the connection string - that is, if the driver supports that...
> I would just simply remove the constraint on the attribute and make it a normalizedString without any restrictions (and thus patterns).
> See also 282116: [crawler] JDBC :: remove all constraints on the connection string
> Thomas Menzel @ IT-Solutions GmbH
> -----Original Message-----
> From: smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kerstin Bach
> Sent: Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010 19:44
> To: Smila project developer mailing list
> Subject: [smila-dev] SMILA Crawling mySQL DB
> Dear all,
> we are trying to use the mySQL-Crawler that has already been mentioned
> on this list. Is there somewhere an example on how to set up such a crawler?
> We've already created an DataSourceConnectionConfig (based on the kinkon
> example). Further we've added the following mySQL connection string
> restriction to the JdbcDataSourceConnectionConfigSchema.xsd:
> <xs:pattern
> value="jdbc:mysql://[\w\.\-]+:\d+(;(DatabaseName|HostProcess|NetAddress|Password|PortNumber|ProgramName|SelectMethod|SendStringParametersAsUnicode|ServerName|User)=[\w\i]+)*"
> />
> However we got the following error:
> Error loading DataSource with DataSourceId 'jdbc':
> javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
>    - with linked exception:
> [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-pattern-valid: Value
> 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/forum' is not facet-valid with respect to
> pattern
> 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@[\w\.\-]+:\d+:\w+|jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://[\w\.\-]+:\d+(;(DatabaseName|HostProcess|NetAddress|Password|PortNumber|ProgramName|SelectMethod|SendStringParametersAsUnicode|ServerName|User)=[\w\i]+)*|jdbc:sqlserver://[\w\.\-]+:\d+(;(DatabaseName|HostProcess|NetAddress|Password|PortNumber|ProgramName|SelectMethod|SendStringParametersAsUnicode|ServerName|User)=[\w\i]+)*|jdbc:odbc:[\w\.\-]+|jdbc:derby:[\w\.\-\\:/]+'
> for type '#AnonType_ConnectionDatabaseProcess'.]
> What did we miss - any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance!
> Best,
> Kerstin
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Kerstin Bach, M.Sc.			   			
Office: + 49 (5121) 883 754	    University of Hildesheim
Room: 	C34 (Spl)		    Institute of Computer Science     Intelligent Information Systems Lab
smila-dev mailing list

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