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[smila-dev] New XMLSplitterPipelet and flexible JMS message properties

Hi all,

I just added a XMLSplitterPipelet (and some utility classes) that uses a
StAX based reader to split a big XML stream into multiple XML-Snippets
and directly requeue those XML-Snippets. See
processing.XmlSplitterPipelet for details.

In order to be more flexible with the requeueing I enhanced the JMS
message properties used in Router and Listener. It is now possible to
add JMS message properties via the record Annotation
"MessageProperties". Each named-value pair of this annotation is set as
a JMS message property. I changed some interfaces and implementations
from Record[]/Id[], Operation[] to Map<Record,Properties> respectively
Map<Id, Properties >. The Properties contain the predefined
MessageProperties (DataSourceID, Operation) as well as the properties
defined by the annotation or configured in the rules.

Finally I also added two new PerformanceCounters to
Pipelines/Pipelets/ProcessingServices: incomingRecords and
outgoingRecords, which simply count the number of Records(Ids) that are
received and returned. This is valuable since one invocation of a
Pipelines/Pipelets/ProcessingServices may contain multiple Ids.

Please provide feedback or report any problems.


PS: The build error is hopefully fixed by restarting bamboo, the failed
tests are not affected by may last changes.

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