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Re: [smila-dev] tool for EPL source headers

there exists a "copyright tool" in the Eclipse project releng tooling.  I don't remember all the details but like a search for copyright tool or something on the wiki or a question on the platform-releng mailing list would help.


Thomas Menzel wrote:

hi fellow-suffers,


i guess i state the obvious that no one is really excited about the task to add the EPL header to ALL source files.


and I wonder if we can automate it with a tool that either exists or we may write on our own.

before we dive into this: I wonder if it is worth it.

hence the question: how far along are u with this task and do u think it is worth to invest the time.


I see two main functions for this tool that should work for the most common source files, e.g. .java, .properties, .xml (and other xml docs such as .xsd)

a)      check if the header is present and correct
if not: flag/report the file

b)      add EPL headers to files. this would need to be parameterized to some extend, e.g. the initial contributor.


for b) I at least see continuous need to avoid having to do this manually all the time even after initial contribution.


I would also do a fairly simple implementation, such as a

a)      normalize target EPL header to A

b)      normalize file to be checked to B

c)       text search A in B

normalize would mean: strip out all non alpha-numeric chars including whitespace.


so, what is ur idea on the subject?


PS: the eclipse plugin javadoc can also generate the file headers, if none are present.

-          but this only for java files (AFAIK)

-          and wont correct any present header either




Kind regards

Thomas Menzel

brox IT-Solutions GmbH


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