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Re: [skalli-dev] Howto associate git commits with bugzilla issues

+1, That's pretty much the defacto standard for that. 

Nice thing: There is a Mylyn integration for egit, that adds this "Bug: ..." line automagically when you work on a bugzilla task.

2011/5/12 Ochmann, Michael <michael.ochmann@xxxxxxx>

Hi all,

since more and more patches come in through bugzilla, we should agree on how we want to associate a commit fixing a certain bug and the corresponding bugzilla issue.  I looked around a bit what other git based projects are doing, i.e. jgit and egit, and they seem to prefer the following format (example):


Ignore submodule commits during checkout


Submodules are supposed to be handled by separate operations, so

we should …


Bug: 343566

Change-Id: I2c5ae1024ea7bb57adf27072da6acc9643018eda

Signed-off-by: Robin Rosenberg robin.rosenberg@xxxxxxxxxx



Are there other suggestions or best practices?




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