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[sequoyah-dev] RE: Metadata generator for Pulsar

Title: Re: Metadata generator for Pulsar

Hi David,


I tried the RC1 Pulsar package as dev env, and succeeded in running the New Repository wizard.

However, when I’ve finished, the content.xml only contain the following information:

<repository name='Sony Ericsson Java ME SDK' type='org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.LocalMetadataRepository' version='1'>

  <properties size='2'>

    <property name='p2.timestamp' value='1275304955804'/>

    <property name='p2.compressed' value='false'/>




All the information I added in the wizard, such as description, license etc, is missing. I’ve tried this both with an exe inside a zip, or just an exe.

The artifacts are present in the local repo which I browse to, any idea what isn’t working?


Another question, you say that there is a document describing how to create the discovery metadata,

where can I find this document?


Br Tomas


From: Westling, Thomas
Sent: torsdag den 27 maj 2010 15:51
To: 'David.Dubrow@xxxxxxxxx'
Cc: sequoyah-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Metadata generator for Pulsar


Good idea, now that I think of it, I should probably sent it there in the first place J


I haven’t tried using Pulsar as dev env, I will give that a try,






From: David.Dubrow@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:David.Dubrow@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: torsdag den 27 maj 2010 15:46
To: Westling, Thomas
Cc: sequoyah-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Metadata generator for Pulsar


I’ve copied this thread to the Sequoyah-dev list because it may be useful to others. :)

Have you tried using the Pulsar RC1 package itself as a development environment?
You would only need the metadata generator project since everything else would be coming from Pulsar as the target platform.
Then run or debug from an Eclipse Application launch configuration and in the running eclipse, the metadata generator tool will show up as a menu item:
Pulsar Admin->New Repository
This brings up a dialog to create a local repository and allow adding installable units representing the sdks.
One restriction is that in the local repository you are creating, the sdk installers must be present so that the artifacts’ size and other info can be gathered.
Then once everything is working locally, you can move it to a server and let the Sequoyah team know the URL.
After the p2 repository is generated, you will need to create the discovery metadata jar.
This can be tested also from a local workspace and then deployed with File->Export... Plug-in Development/Deployable plug-ins and fragments as outlined in my doc for creating the discovery metadata.

BR and HTH,


On 5/27/10 8:11 AM, "ext Westling, Thomas" <Thomas.Westling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’ve tried with both Helios and Galileo versions of the Classic Eclipse dist.
Both have p2, but both also lack the p2.discovery bundles.
My compilation errors exist outside of p2.discovery though, so I’m afraid that
if I find the p2.discovery bundles, I will still have compilation errors.
Br Tomas

From: David.Dubrow@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:David.Dubrow@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: torsdag den 27 maj 2010 15:08
To: Westling, Thomas
Cc: kpqb38@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Metadata generator for Pulsar

Hi Thomas,

The projects on the trunk should be the correct version of the source to use.
What version of eclipse are you using to build the pulsar projects?
It looks like you don’t have p2 in your target platform.

I’ve cc’d Daniel to see if he has  some suggestions.


On 5/27/10 7:27 AM, "ext Westling, Thomas" <Thomas.Westling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi David,
I am trying to use your Metadata generator tool to generate the proper information for the
Sony Ericsson SDK. I couldn’t find any information on how to use the tool in the Pulsar mail thread,
is it available somewhere else?
I get a lot of compilation errors and missing bundles when importing the following
Bundles from svn:
The bundles seem to be missing from my workspace,
but in addition, I get a lot of compilation errors, from the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata package.
Do you know what I’m doing wrong?
I’ve tried the version of the plugins in the trunk as well as the pulsar branch
of the sequyoah svn, on Galileo and Helios.
Best regards,
Tomas Westling,
Sony Ericsson

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